Subs include OP/ED karaoke and proper typesetting for the LINE conversations. Please comment if you find any errors.
Translation: HorribleSubs
OP/ED Translation: [Lyrical Nonsense](
Video Source: Leopard-Raws
Thanks, I really like the simulation of the LINE conversations. But I didn't like the fonts that you used for the Default style and for the OP/ED.
I have modified the subtitle by changing the Fonts and adding karaoke effects, I hope you like it!Bb5gCQoI!2py6Pd8Srdj12OR3-6fb-h8GGCMaexP6k-62DSPHV2M
ps.: Next time please attache the fonts that you used in the MKV File.
Thanks, I'll take a look now. I'd like to do the whole series but it depends on how time consuming it is (still getting the hang of Aegisub here). I'll keep at it and hope there's not too much moving text.
Comments - 3
eternal (uploader)