Originally released by -__-’
The only torrent of Ghost Hunt that has 576p resolution (not upscaled). All the other torrents are of 480p. @cazador1337 made a comparison among the various releases (E-D, a-s, Z-Z and -__-’ ). You can see it here: http://compare.bakashots.me/compare.php?setId=2803&comparisonId=18412&imageNum=1
I don’t own this torrent. I just downloaded it from tokyotosho and uploaded it here. The anime is not that popular. So, the seeding was very poor. I couldn’t download it completely from there. Thanks to animetosho and their DDLs, I downloaded episodes 14-25 from there.
I am not seeding it anymore. @cazador1337 said that he would continue to seed this on. So, if there is no seeding, ask him because he is responsible. LOL.
But, I don’t know which group did it.
Fixed chroma shift. NNEDI3 rpow2. maa2. awarp4. no denoising, so you’ll get some ringing because mpeg2.
Comments - 29
DDL are still active for all the episodes on animetosho. My first anime. Thankz for uploading this Well before he could upload this batch nyaa.se was already shutdown.
I also downloaded all episodes from animetosho. But deleted it. This release still have some problem.
Sadist_Tanmoy (uploader)
I haven’t watched it yet. What kinds of problem?
At some point video start from specific time.
e.g. I click on 4 minute on seekbar but still video will start from 2 minute.
Dammit. This is the only Japanese DVD release. I couldn’t find a way to fix this therefore deleted this.
Well it’s nothing big. Apart from this everything is fine.
I am just very picky about any tiny things.
Don’t mind me.
Once again thanks . I guess someone might fix this problem in future
Sadist_Tanmoy (uploader)
Sore ja yokarou (Then it’s fine)
@Sadist_Tanmoy you can pass the baton to me.
I will adopt this torrent, and I will keep this here and post in another sites, so relax this files will never be lost again.
Sadist_Tanmoy (uploader)
@cazador1337, tasukatta yo (You are a savior). Then, do inform me when you have finished downloading. I will seed it until then.
CheekyAustralian, please fix the wrongly “red” tagged torrent to white.
@Tehe yeah you evil chibi blonde you are so funny.
Yes this should be actually green.
@Sadist_Tanmoy I’m yet downloading it
I was referring to CheekyKoala actually.
No. Only files uploaded by the trusted users get green label. Even their re-ups, like this one won’t get green label. They’re white.
You are referring to Tanya-chan? (An Ossan inside… eeww, disturbing her beautiful loli image much?)
since this is a release apparently made for upscaling/filtering purposes I think it should be red, Tehe.
Even though on the original Nyaa it was green???!
The original episode 1 torrent is still green. Can’t find the others, so who knows where they ended up.
I remember DLing this though… Because it was one of the first anime DVDs I’ve watched… and it was green. But you’re the mod. You know best.
I’m doing some test here, you can use any subtitles, you don’t have to re-timing it.
and I made a comparative between E-D, a-s, Z-Z and -__-’ http://compare.bakashots.me/compare.php?setId=2803&comparisonId=18412&imageNum=1
It is quite possible it got lost somehow, we do have missing torrents/info because the scrapes were incomplete once nyaa.se went down.
Yup. But you still can get their magnet on BTDB.to, so if there are still seeders seeding, one can DL the missing torrent… just a fyi.
Hardsubs, or soft?
Sadist_Tanmoy (uploader)
@futagen, soft subs
Don’t just blame me… kkk
who want this anime in 1280x720 ???
but it is upscaled.
just good.
every 576p is an upscale, but it’s not like an ordinary 720p upscale.