We finally finished the partial batch for this! I guess you could consider this the first cour/season of Virgin Soul, since the OP and ED change after episode 13 as well as the plot. Numerous patches and changes have been applied, including but not limited to: a lot of edits, translation checks, and missing capitalization on specific names. Our good old pal costmuffled helped with the video encoding to speed up the process a little bit (we sure use the word “speed up” completely wrong, I know), and we also had our new recruit N0BOX do his first QC on a show with Sumire!
Please enjoy this partial batch, and hopefully we can finish up the rest of the episodes before the show is finished airing. It’s highly unlikely that we’ll be able to do this, but we’ll try!
We are recruiting experienced fansubbers! Recruits who are new to fansubbing are also welcome to apply, but preferably not for KFX or typesetting (for obvious reasons).
Please head on over to #Sumire@irc.rizon.net or send us an email at contact@sumire.moe to begin the recruitment process.
For optimal playback, we recommend:
Standard Users (All OS): VLC Media Player
Advanced Users (Windows): MPC-HC with LAV Filters Megamix, CCCP or K-Lite Codec Pack.
Advanced Users (Linux / Mac): mpv
Comments - 17
Wooo, Thank you!!
Are these subs using honorifics?
LastReaction (uploader)
@futagen: No, there are no honorifics in this release. Hopefully that doesn’t steer you away from watching it though! :D
@AXZ: At the end of the day, it’s all subjective. Everyone has their own favorite video player.
Regarding your report about the anidex tracker missing, please note that we limit the maximum number of trackers in a torrent to 5. However, that specific tracker missing shouldn’t pose any issue, considering DHT and peer-exchange is a thing and there’s plenty of other trackers.
LastReaction (uploader)
@Draconiano, Gagantous: Thanks for downloading and seeding!
@CheekyKoala: I appreciate the response. You’re right; as long as the public has access and can download it without an issue, that’s all that matters.
@LastReacticon I’ll edit it myself. Super huge major pain in the ass, especially avoiding spoilers, but I do it anyway just so I can actually enjoy watching anime. Western name order of Japanese names and no honorifics are the WORST!
LastReaction (uploader)
@futagen: lol okay? o_o
Honorifics have meaning, and even when one isn’t used it’s with a purpose. It’s only proper they’re put in the sub. It’s disrespectful to omit them. Subs are not dubs. No offense, but you’re doing it wrong by not including them. It’s part of the Japanese language. At least, as an editor, give the option for people to choose. It’s crap they’re not included.
LastReaction (uploader)
@futagen: You seem extremely upset over something that you’re literally paying zero dollars for. You already said you’re going to edit it yourself, and yet you’re still whining about it. Be at least a little bit appreciative that a group is actually investing their time encoding and fansubbing this show for you, free of charge. I see that some of the Nyaa community’s toxicity hasn’t changed a bit. xD
LastReaction (uploader)
I would have considered making a second honorifics subtitle track, if you were nice about it and asked politely. But now I’m not so sure I should do something like that for someone who talks down on us like we’re slaves.
@LastReaction : Since futage does not consider it necessary to be polite and to ask nicely, I will do it in his place (but for my own good): will you pls prepare a second subtitle track with japanese name order and honorifics ?
I would really appreciate your effort.
PS. thanks for your effort up to this point
LastReaction (uploader)
Thank you for your kind words, we appreciate it. For the most part, Virgin Soul’s dialogue is spoken in western name order (i.e. first name, then last name). There are only a few times when Japanese honorifics are used. We are considering making a second subtitle track. It might be in the final batch, and if not there, they will be in the BDs :)
Thank you very much, i hope you could do the rest of the episodes.