## Junjou Romantica S1 OVA

Raws: BDRIP (from nyaa)
Translation: aarinfantasy
Typesetting, Timing, Minor script editing and Encoding: asckj1
**Encode info:**
10-bit depth encodes @ crf=16
Resolution: 1280x720
Audio: 2 channel Vorbis @ 160kbps/192 kbps
Hello again in a different version of nyaa website!!! As promised here's the OVA of Junjou Romantica!
Enjoy!! :)
**PS:** To all Youtube and other streaming website uploaders **---> Please do not remove credits!!!!! <---** It takes a lot of effort to get the subtitles in a format which is easy for everyone to read with the video file. Starting from translation all the way up to its processing. So please have some respect for all people who work hard to provide these things free for you :)
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