Translated by: 99meemo99
Great anime and amazing opening by "Rasha Rizq"
It's different than the other HXH openings, but if you're a
HXH fan you'll love it.
Enjoy the Arabic version
Random Arabic Words:
القناص = Al'qannas = The hunter
عين = ayn =Eye *With the heavy A ع*
عينيه/ عيناه = ay'neyh/aynah = His 2 eyes *With the heavy
في = Fi = In
الصامد = As'samid = The resister "he"*With the heavy
المغامر = Al'mughamir = The adventurer "he"
وجه = Wajh =Face
الساحة = As'saha = The field *With the heavy Hح*
يرمي = Yarmi = He Throws
الأهداف = Al'ahdaf = The Targets
هدف = Hadaf = Target
الإنصاف = Al'insaf = The fairness "With the heavy Sص*
تحقيق = Tah'qeeq = Make it comes true
حساس = Has'sas = Sensitive *With the heavy Hح*
الصعاب = As'si'ab = The difficulties *With the heavy
الصبر = As'sabr = The patience *With the heavy Sص*
الإخلاص = Al'ikhlas = Loyalty *With the heavy Sص*
يعمل = Yaa'mal = He works *The second A is heavyع*
The Arabic version of Hunter X Hunter is (c)Venus company
& Spacetoon channel.
File list
[SPTV] Hunter x Hunter 1999 Opening [HDTV][1080P][ArabicDub][English Softsub].mkv (18.2 MiB)
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