This Is One Of The Best Songs I've
Ever Heard
it's may be the best opening anime ever
Here are the names of this anime:
In Japan = Akachan To Boku
In Arabia = Me and My Brother
In America = Baby and Me
This opening came to you with 3 tracks:
1- Main song: "Mommey" (with english sub by
2- Main song Without rhythm
3- Main song Instrumental
This opening was sang by:
1-Main singer: Hala Sabbagh (Girl)
2-Second voice: Rasha Rizq (Woman)
3-Choir: Tariq Al'arabi (Man) & Rasha Rizq
Random Arabic words:
يدفع = Yadfaa = Push (The last A is heavy ع)
يدفعني= Yadfaauni = Push me (The last A is heavy ع)
ذكرى= Thikra = Memory
زبد= Zabad = Foam
يوم= Yawm = Day
أيام= Ayyam = Days
ناي= Naay = Flute
كلمه= Kalima = Word
كلمات= Kalimat = Words
كلماتها= Kalimatu'ha = Her words
أحلى= Ahla = Sweeter than (The H is heavy ح)
قلب= Qalb = Heart
قلبي= Qalbi = My heart
تنسى= Tansa = Forget
أخ= Akh = Brother
أخاك= Akhak = Your brother
يد= Yad = Hand
يداك= Yadak = Your both hands
بسام = Bassam = Smiling/ smiley
نستسلم= Nastaslim = Give up
آلام=Aalam = Pains
ألم= A'lam = Pain
Enjoy ^___^
The Arabic version of Akachan To Boku is (c)Venus company
& Spacetoon channel.
File list
[Best OP ever] Akachan to Boku (Baby and Me) 1996 Opening [ArabicDub][English Softsub].mkv (20.6 MiB)
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