The result of 4-year exploration of excellent russian Anime Music Video resource with skilled community.
The main feature of release is file naming with structure:
- main title or 2 or “Crossover” where impossible
- keyword AMV
- (song autor - song name) in brackets
- clip author - clip name
- year
- [main song and/or clip genre] in brackets e.g. [Rock Action] or [Ballad Instrumental]
- {techical video properties} in brackets
This allow to search in explorer or any file manager by filename for any of item mentioned.
Rip NOT include epics works such as RU.COMIX or Animegraphy.
One of the biggest “filters” in selection was good music, most of clips (except trailers and text based fun) can be listened even without video.
P.S. Heh … two duplicate clips found after release …
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