Chinese SRPG games made by Dynasty. Included are both the first game and the second game in the series. This is the same company that made the famous 炎龍騎士團 (Flame Dragon) series, but the difficulty is slightly easier than that series.
These are the original Taiwan releases, not the mainland China ports. You do not need to set your region locale to Chinese (PRC).
Protection: SafeDisc (cracks not included, but you can easily find a program to deal with this)
Note #1: These games are unrelated to the Japanese shooter series from Tecnosoft/Sega of the same name.
Note #2: I am aware that there is a 1.53 patch for the first game. However, I could only find the patch for the mainland China version.
Pics: Google "致命武力" and you should easily get images for both games.
Game Website:\_games/tf2web/open.htm
Wikipedia Entry on Developer (Chinese):
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