source…: r2-ntsc dvd, r1-ntsc dvd
videocodec.: 10bit h264
resolution.: 716×478 (anamorphic 716×524)
audiocodec.: ac3 2ch 448 kbps
-language…: japanese
subformat…: styled subs
-language…: english
after being lazy for quite some time i finally finished encoding this. the video was taken from the r2 dvds. even though the r1 dvd has mostly the same video, most of the discs have one re-encoded episode that looks like crap. i mean they didn’t even ivtc it, so it’s 29.97fps and blended.
the only downside is that no sign has been translated, so that’s why you’ll see no translations for those.
anyway, enjoy :d
Comments - 3
Thank you.
Say, do you think we could get a torrent of the raw DVDISOs of the R2J set too? (Just found out the 2012 R2J set went OOP recently as it was last in stock months ago)
Think you might be able to eventually take on the SD-BDs that Discotek released for this?