[coj] Rajio no Jikan / Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald (1997) [x264 480p]

2009-03-10 02:24 UTC
File size:
1.3 GiB
Info hash:
\[ Rajio no Jikan (ラジオの時間) \] a.k.a. Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald \--Movie info-- Genre.........: Comedy / Drama Year..........: 1997 Country.......: Japan Runtime.......: 103 min Director......: Koki Mitani (三谷幸喜) IMDB..........: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0133170/ IMDB rating...: 7.8/10 \--Release info-- Source...........: R2J DVD9 (NTSC) Resolution.......: 720x480 Aspect ratio.....: anamorphic widescreen (1.8125) Video codec......: H.264 (High Profile, Level 3.1) Video bitrate....: 1557 Kb/s Audio............: Japanese 2.0 (Dolby Pro Logic II) Audio codec......: AAC-LC (VBR) Audio bitrate....: 198 Kb/s Subtitles........: English (ASS and SRT softsubs) \--Comment-- I couldn't find a working torrent of this forgotten gem anywhere except the DVD ISO itself, so I decided to re-encode it for wider distribution (at the original resolution with generous bitrate). I don't know if it'll play back on H.264-capable standalones (PS3, Xbox360, etc.) - please leave a comment if you try it. If you can't view this for some reason, I recommend the Combined Community Codec Pack ( http://www.cccp-project.net/ ). \--New York Times review-- Comedy is certainly not the first thing that comes to mind when we think of Japanese cinema. But a few more films like Koki Mitani's hilarious screwball farce "Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald" could change all that. This movie is ostensibly a goofy comedy about a live radio drama that goes haywire after the imperious diva playing the lead insists on certain last-minute changes. Her demands set in motion a desperate chain of events that transform a sudsy romantic drama set in a Japanese fishing village into a ludicrous action-adventure fantasy set in the United States.

File list

  • [coj] Rajio no Jikan (1997) [x264 AAC 480p][BCFF1BCD].mkv (1.3 GiB)