Original Translation: Tomodachi Anime
Song Translation: Sakaki
Editing, Timing, Typesetting: validusername16
Raw: Saiei (XviD LD-Rip)
Quality Control, Editing Help: Jecka
Special Thanks: metalotaku
This is a 12 minute bonus feature included at the end of the final Laserdisc volume, featuring Himeko’s character song, some footage from the final day of recording, and short interviews with Hime-chan’s voice actor Ohtani Ikue and Sound Director Wakabayashi Kazuhiro. Tomodachi initially released this special subtitled on tape volume 16 of the show, but all online digitizations did not include it. This release is based on a personal recording of Tomodachi’s tape, and has been completely re-edited, re-timed, and re-typeset, with a brand new song translation, as Tomodachi only translated around half of the song, and their song translation was littered with errors. The raw is unfortunately not great, but the DVD version seemed to be missing the interview segments, so this LD rip was the only option. Hopefully one day honobono will finish the series so there can be a consistent release for the entire show.
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