Neon Genesis Evangelion - Fixed ADV 5.1 Renewal + Manga 5.1 JPBD sync

2024-05-15 17:29 UTC
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7.9 GiB
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For those of you that might not know, the USBD Ultimate/Collector's edition classic English ADV dub audio tracks were released in a very broken state. When I first started I thought maybe it's an occasional thing having broken spots given the first track I tested only had one broken spot. Oh boy was I wrong about that. My journey with these fully started towards the end of January (earliest work screenshot from the 29th with first finalized track on February 18th) and final track finished on April 18th. I personally thought it would be worth going through and fixing these regardless of how many issues there were given that basically all the audio for the ADV tracks are a lossless master tape transfer minus the first half of 17 which seems to look like it was sourced from the DVD. Most of the issues are the "Broken Gaps" as I called them, all of which were areas of ~3420 samples (only about three were ~750 samples) missing with neighboring audio smushed together. I patched every single broken gap with USA DVD along with lossless JP audio from either JPBD or ITBD for certain instances and of course I matched amplitude and repaired splice points so there's no audible upsets. Same is true for all of the episodes with Fly Me To The Moon BGM inserts along with adjusting speed to match. Left, Right, and Center would match perfectly meanwhile the LFE and surrounds usually needed more adjustments I'm assuming thanks to the Dolby compression. I learned that the lossless BD track is what the correct PCM waveform signal should look like since the lossless JP audio is an identical match with the surrounds. Secondary issue was amplitude. ADV decided to master the center channel like a fricken pop song which ends up overloading signal output if enough is going on in the other channels. Of course if you're listening on an actual surround system it won't be a problem, just really effing loud by default. With any tracks that had bad overloading I just slapped them with a -2db amplitude adjustment which solved basically all overloading. 23' still does but it's significantly less than it previously would and I didn't want to completely nuke it down. Reading that might seem bad but they still get plenty loud enough. The file names I gave the tracks reflect anything significant I fixed. All ED songs have been supplemented with the JPBD tracks and I also fixed as many pops/clicks present in ADV's master as long as they came out nicely (these exist on the DVD as well). If not I just left them. Some funny things that I addressed with fixing these is that episode 11 had no areas that needed patching except the entire LFE was gone and the first half of episode 15 literally being mono. Yep, that's right. The first two channels are copies of the left, the next two are copies of the center, and the last two being a copy of the same surround channel. Absolutely beautiful job well done there. I just 1:1 slapped the DVD track in for Part A. Good thing there's nothing too intensive and levels still sound correct without the Dolby processing. The only thing wrong with episode 01 is the helicopter sound at the very beginning is missing about a whole second with some smaller blips of a tone in just the left and right channels. I matched JPBD audio only needing to speed up by one sample to fit the last small parts. Episode 26's B2901 just means that I measured Part B starting that many samples late, nothing crazy. Reason for not adjusting that is that they have an audio fade over and I didn't want to deprecate the original audio transfer and sync still matches just fine. One weird sync part is Asuka's yell at the end of episode 13 which changes from inside to outside at the wrong time but the sync of everything else is just fine so I left it as is. ADV's original sync may be slightly off but it's a far cry from that of the legacy audio having way different timing (it just can be a pain to sync otherwise I"m more leaning towards the legacy audio being my preferred version, same with the Japanese audio too. Don't get me wrong, Renewal is awesome but the legacy audio is pretty great in its own way). Something I'm proud of doing is recreating episode 18's scream ED fade over with the DVD only being used for the last loudest point up until the fade is complete level matching each side and merging remaining frequency data from both BD tracks and length being adjusted by finding ~700 samples that sounded like they could loop well to match the exact starting point the ED plays on the JPBD track. Another thing is fixing the sour note in episode 09's B12 music (which exists on the DVD too) using ITBD JPN audio. I also decided to include the Revival of Evangelion Manga Entertainment dubs from the USBD synced to JPBD as well. Both of those look like they're sourced from the DVD as well but at least levels seem to be correct for PCM playback so I guess that's one good thing about those. Dolby Digital has dynamic range and that explosion filter thing which is why you can't just 1:1 use it in a PCM environment so it needs it's original processing to sound correct and same for DTS needing its processing to sound correct. Even though the DTS EoE is 6.1 and levels look correct, it still can't be directly used and ends up sounding tinny. Obviously you technically can use them but what I mean is that you can't just throw the AC3/DTS file in Audacity and render it as PCM/flac and call it a day. It won't sound correct. Episode 18 fade over example: ![img]([/img]) Hopefully these files can be useful for anyone interested in the classic English dubs (especially for anyone else who bought these expensive sets with them being in such a broken state plus EoE not even being synced well on disc too). Special thanks to HRSM and Krycek7o2 for initially reaching out to me and talking with me about Evangelion and everything else. If not for them, I don't think I'd have felt motivated to make it this far.

File list

  • ADV 5.1 Renewal + Manga 5.1 JPBD sync
    • Revival of Evangelion
      • Death(True)² - MangaEnt 5.1 (BD).flac (706.9 MiB)
      • [25'+26'] The End of Evangelion - MangaEnt 5.1 (BD).flac (787.4 MiB)
    • [01] ADV 5.1 (BD)_CH1+CH2-heli-fix.flac (255.9 MiB)
    • [02] ADV 5.1 (BD)_PartA-fadeout-fix.flac (230.1 MiB)
    • [03] ADV 5.1 (BD)_gap-fix.flac (259.4 MiB)
    • [04] ADV 5.1 (BD)_gap-fix-x2.flac (247.1 MiB)
    • [05] ADV 5.1 (BD)_gap-fix-x2.flac (248.5 MiB)
    • [06] ADV 5.1 (BD).flac (238.8 MiB)
    • [07] ADV 5.1 (BD)_gap-fix-x3.flac (252.9 MiB)
    • [08] ADV 5.1 (BD)_gap-fix.flac (256.5 MiB)
    • [09] ADV 5.1 (BD)_gap-fix-x2+B12-repair.flac (245.7 MiB)
    • [10] ADV 5.1 (BD)_gap-fix-x6.flac (250.3 MiB)
    • [11] ADV 5.1 (BD)_LFE-addition.flac (248.2 MiB)
    • [12] ADV 5.1 (BD)_gap-fix-x5.flac (242.8 MiB)
    • [13] ADV 5.1 (BD)_gap-fix-x2.flac (242.4 MiB)
    • [14] ADV 5.1 (BD)_gap-fix-x2.flac (234.5 MiB)
    • [15] ADV 5.1 (BD (DVD-PartA))_insert-edit.flac (223.2 MiB)
    • [16] ADV 5.1 (BD).flac (253.0 MiB)
    • [17] ADV 5.1 (BD)_insert-edit.flac (240.5 MiB)
    • [18] ADV 5.1 (BD)_gap-fix+ED-fade-over.flac (241.3 MiB)
    • [19] ADV 5.1 (BD)_gap-fix.flac (255.9 MiB)
    • [20] ADV 5.1 (BD).flac (236.0 MiB)
    • [21'] ADV 5.1 (BD)_gap-fix-x5+sync-edit+insert-edit+OP-fix.flac (294.6 MiB)
    • [22'] ADV 5.1 (BD)_gap-fix-x2+fade-out-ext.flac (301.4 MiB)
    • [23'] ADV 5.1 (BD)_gap-fix-x4.flac (264.2 MiB)
    • [24'] ADV 5.1 (BD).flac (286.2 MiB)
    • [25] ADV 5.1 (BD)_gap-fix-x3.flac (257.8 MiB)
    • [26] ADV 5.1 (BD)_gap-fix_B2901.flac (264.5 MiB)
Do you have a version of this synced to the USBD as well, or will it sync with a simple start delay?

DamianV8501 (uploader)

I did not make a USBD sync since JPBD timing is going to be used for another project and is what I use as a reference for testing audio tracks so I only kept USBD audio on hand on my hard drives since my main work is currently audio however I kept some notes for video frame start differences. 01, 02, 04, 05 = 28 frames, 03 = 32 frames, 06 = 30 frames, 07 = 29 frames, 08, 09, 10, 12, 13 = 28 frames, 11, 14 = 32 frames, 15 = 28 frames, 17 = 30 frames, 20 = 24 frames, 21', 22', 23', 25 = 24 frames, 24' = 26 frames, 26 = 31 frames. Looks like I didn't keep a record for 16, 18, and 19 since those were the first ones I had messed around with. EoE won't be a simple delay because they have extra dead space between 25' and 26'. If you have the Japan 5.1 USBD tracks I'd just recommend lining up the start of the OP (besides Episode 03 since they effed that one up) then timing will be 1:1.