In 2010, Japan announced the Young Animator Training Project. Starting with Project A, every year 4 companies would be selected, and they would use new, young animators to produce one anime short each. With the exception of 2020, when only 3 shorts were produced, this has been going on since 2011, with 51 entries in this project. We will get 4 more in 2024.
Some of the episodes have gotten English subs, some have not, while some are completely unavailable. I made this collection to have everything available in one place, because it was a pain in the ass to find everything. Please note that some of these are raw. Let me explain the filing system.
The folders are self explanatory: what year the episodes were released in. If the episode has English subtitles, the group that made them will be listen as [Group Name] in the filename. If I don't know the group, as it was posted anonymously, it will be [Subtitled] instead. If there are no English subtitles, it will be listed with (raw). The exception is Kacchikenee!, which has machine translated subtitles (they're acceptable if you want to know what's going on) and is listed with (mtl). The ones that have nothing listed at the end don't have subtitles, but also don't need them. They either have no voice acting (Kumi To Tulip) or have English audio (Deliver Police).
This collection is incomplete, as 3 episodes are unavailable. I have searched everywhere and I could not find them. If anyone has raws for the following episodes, please share them. Thank you.
[Charanpo Land no Bouken](https://anidb.net/anime/12153)
[Milky Panic: Twelve](https://anidb.net/anime/13213)
[Rock`n Oyone](https://anidb.net/anime/16448)
In addition, 2 of the episodes have poor quality raws. If you have a better source for the following episodes, please share. I know for a fact that these were available online that year (because of the pandemic), unlike the rest of the years.
[Michiru Rescue!](https://anidb.net/anime/14982)
[Ometeotl Hero](https://anidb.net/anime/14980)
I hope you enjoy this. There is some really good stuff in here. They're not all great, but there's plenty of hidden gems. Hell, this is where Little Witch Academia and Death Parade came from.
Update 1: Two more additions to the collection.
[Hachimitsu Suicide Machine, subbed, by gugugaga](https://nyaa.si/view/1666338)
[MEGA link](https://mega.nz/file/BE1nRLgB#nmMTcfk61O9n5dE1Wi9vXhAXZMeRJledzXap4d2rMRU)
[Engimon, raw, by Ioroid](https://nyaa.si/view/1643936)
[MEGA link for subs transcribed by Ioroid)](https://mega.nz/folder/JI4x2LrL#SEYVexhsyuvI_rKP4vyHJw/file/hN4gnQqB).
Thank you, Lyssandra and Ioroid.
Update 2: Two more additions to the collection.
[Captain Bal, subbed, by Orphan](https://nyaa.si/view/1818407)
[Chuck Shimezou, subbed, by Orphan](https://nyaa.si/view/1843576)
Thank you, Orphan.
Comments - 16
DmonHiro (uploader)
DmonHiro (uploader)
DmonHiro (uploader)
DmonHiro (uploader)
DmonHiro (uploader)