| Track | Type | Name | Format | Language |
|:-: |:-: |:-: |:-: |:-: |
| 0 | Video | [JySzE] ITBD| AVC | -- |
| 1 | Audio | [iKaos 1 - 26 / Hydes 1 - 13 / Krycek7o2 14 - 26] 2.0 Japanese [Original Mix] [LD] - FLAC | FLAC | Japanese |
| 2 | Audio | [iKaos 1 - 26 / Hydes 1 - 13 / Krycek7o2 14 - 26] 2.0 English [Original Mix] [DVD] - FLAC| FLAC | English
| 3 | Audio | 5.1 Japanese [Remix] - FLAC | FLAC | Japanese |
| 4 | Audio | [Scav / Krycek7o2 9 & 14] 5.1 English [Remix] - FLAC |FLAC | English |
| 5 | Audio | [Scav] 2.0 Japanese Staff Commentary - FLAC | FLAC | Japanese |
| 6 | Audio | [Scav] 2.0 English Cast and Staff Commentary - FLAC | FLAC | English |
| 7 | Audio | [iKaos] 2.0 Japanese Staff Commentary - AC3 | AC3 | Japanese |
| 8 | Subtitles | [CBM / Hydes] 2.0 English | ASS | English |
| 9 | Subtitles | [CBM / Hydes] 5.1 English | ASS | English |
| 10 | Subtitles | [Hydes] 5.1 English Signs & Songs | ASS | English |
| 11 | Subtitles | [Kaveman / Hydes] English Dubtitles | ASS | English |
| 12 | Subtitles | [butler] 2.0 Japanese | ASS | Japanese |
| 13 | Subtitles | [Scav] English Commentary Translation | PGS | English |
### Thanks to the following users:
WPR: Providing the ITBD Remux and capturing the LD audio losslessly. [v3] Assisted Hydes with TL improvements.
Scav: For syncing the English dub and the JP and ENG commentary audio.
Krycek7o2: Providing the LD's for caping and for doing extensive QC and sub fixes and [v3] Audio Fixes.
iKaos: For Syncing the Original Mix audio, additional commentary tracks and QCing.
BestGirl: For doing extensive QC and sub fixes.
RedDeadEncode: For doing sub QC.
Johnster: For doing Sub QC.
Symbi0tic: For uploading the OG R1 Remux
Hydes: [v3] Retiming subs, Creating 2 unique timed sub tracks, improving subs in general, Audio Fixes.
#### **Video Info:**
| Source | Resolution | FPS | Format| Encoder| Media Info|
|:-: |:-: |:-: |:-: |:-: |:-: |:-:|
| ITBD | 1448x1080 |VFR|H.264|[JySzE]| [Media Info](https://pastebin.com/vx0SzF73) |
#### Work Done:
Done to the video [1-26]:
2. Replaced OP and ED with correct JP one
Episode 20 and 23 have 2 encodes here, 1 in the main folder which is as described above, IVTC and OP and ED replaced only. But there is also filtered versions of those eps in the extra folder if you want to watch something less insulting to the eyes, as these are 100% SD eps that were god awful on their own. I didn't want to force people into watching one or the other so I decided to include both pick your poison. Due note the filtered eps do have substantial background detail lost, its up to you what you want.
1. Recommended player is [MPV](https://drive.google.com/file/d/10dzmt9ssVi2JwyY6dzvkrHFim6O-k-mn/edit). VLC NOT RECOMMENDED.
Please be aware that even tho media info on some eps read CFR / odd framerates etc, These are indeed VFR.
You can check an example for ep 6 which the media info reports **Frame rate mode: Constant,Frame rate: 24.000 FPS**: [EP 6 VFR](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/481891099711897602/892514725940834314/qvp6vOSocp.mp4)
But as you can tell in the video it goes well above 24fps. Ignore media info.
#### **Audio Info:**
|Track|Source|Lang|Channels|Format|Bit Depth|Sync by|
|:-: |:-: |:-: |:-: |:-: |:-: |:-: |
|1| LD |JPN|2.0|FLAC|16 Bit|iKaos / Hydes / Krycek7o2|
|2| DVD |ENG|2.0|FLAC|16 Bit|iKaos / Hydes / Krycek7o2|
|3| ITBD |JPN|5.1|FLAC|16 Bit|--|
|4|USBD|ENG|5.1|FLAC|24 Bit|Scav / Krycek7o2 9 & 14|
|5|USBD|JPN|2.0|FLAC|24 Bit|Scav|
|6|USBD|ENG|2.0|FLAC|24 Bit|Scav|
|7|JPBD|JPN|2.0|AC3|16 Bit|iKaos|
Bebop's audio mix situation is complicated and surprisingly under-documented. The original stereo mix of the show was released in Japan on VHS, DVD and LaserDisc, the latter of which is the source for the mix on this release. When the English dub was produced, an almost entirely new mix with different SFX was created (either by Sunrise or the dubbing company Animaze), and this is the version released on DVD and aired on TV, notably on Adult Swim in 2001. As such the "original mix" for the English dub is a different mix than the original Japanese version.
In 2005, Sunrise decided to remaster the Japanese audio into a new 5.1 mix, known as the "Remix" version of the show, and this mix was eventually ported over to the English dub as well and has been the only mix included on any DVD or BD release of the show since 2005. The SFX for the Remix version are similar, but not identical, to the original Japanese mix of the show. Other differences that affect both remix tracks are occasionally different musical cues and placements, most notably in NEPs.
Note that in a few cases the length of the remix (BD) version of the episodes is shorter than the original cuts, which necessitated some extensive audio tweaking in order for the original mixes to sync properly to the BD version of the show. Episodes 1, 5, 8, 9, 10, 17, and 19 feature these minor cuts. All other episodes aside from episode 2 only feature slight audio timing adjustments and have no cuts.
Episode 2's Remix version is a full 2 minutes shorter than the original version and contains considerable cuts to scenary and scene transitions to increase the pace of the episode. Series director Shinichiro Watanabe has said that these cuts were made in order to remove padding that was present in the original broadcast. As such the original mixes for this episode required extensive cuts and timing adjustments in order to properly sync.
Episodes that include commentary tracks are : 1, 5, 10, 11, 17, 22 and 24.
The English commentary tracks do not have subs.
The only JP commentary tracks that don't have translated subs are EP 11 and 22. If you would like subs for them feel free to do it.
#### **Subs Info:**
|Track|Name|Style|Lang|Format|Synced By|
|:-: |:-: |:-: |:-: |:-: |:-: |
|1| 2.0 English|Stylized OP/ED, Signs, Insert Songs and Dialogue |ENG|ASS|[CBM / Hydes]|
|2| 5.1 English|Stylized OP/ED, Signs, Insert Songs and Dialogue |ENG|ASS|[CBM / Hydes]|
|3| 5.1 Signs & Songs|Stylized OP/ED, Signs and Insert Songs|ENG|ASS|[CBM / Hydes]|
|4|English Dubtitles|Stylized OP/ED, Signs, Insert Songs and Dialogue |ENG|ASS|[Kaveman / Hydes]|
|5| Japanese Translation | Dialogue |JPN|ASS|[butler]|
|6|English Commentary Translation| Dialogue |ENG|PGS|[Scav]|
#### **What was fixed in v3:**
Subtitles [Hydes / WPR]:
* Fully retimed everything to either the 2.0 or 5.1 mix
* Made around 30 translation edits, which include adding a couple of missing lines. Big thanks to WPR for all that
* Modified the dialogue, OP, ED, and Ep. 26 insert song styles (also added romaji to the insert song)
* Modified and motion-tracked the signs in episodes 3, 14, and 17
* Made all the weird full-caps words into italicized lowercase
* Removed ellipses from the start and end of split lines and replaced any ellipses at the end of split lines with commas where appropriate
* Made interrobangs consistent ("?!" instead of a mix of "!?" and "?!")
* Split / joined some lines where I thought it made sense or to lower CPS (also split all the ones with 2 characters’ lines in one line)
* Changed line breaks
* Fixed any errors I noticed
Audio [Hydes 1 - 13, 5.1 Eps. 2 & 25 / Krycek7o2 14 - 26, 5.1 Eps. 9 & 14]:
* Fixed inverted English 2.0 channels for episodes 1-5
* Fixed slight English and Japanese 2.0 channel imbalance on OPs and EDs for all episodes (Ep. 9's JP track also had other segments that were fixed)
* Replaced English 2.0 OPs and EDs for Eps. 1-4, and replaced English 2.0 OP for Ep. 19 due to quality reasons
* Replaced English 5.1 OP and ED and Japanese 5.1 OP for Ep. 2, replaced English 5.1 OP for Ep. 25, and replaced English and Japanese 5.1 EDs for Eps. 9 and 14 due to quality reasons
Comments - 17
JySzE (uploader)