_Original title:_ **僕らのミクロな終末 - The End of the World with You**
Dramatization of the homonymous manga by **Marukido Maki**, published by **Shōdensha**.
_Italian title:_ **La Fine del Nostro Micromondo**
_Episodes:_ **危険な愛情の始まり - L'inizio di un amore pericoloso** (ep.1), **途切れた愛情との再会 - Nuovo incontro con un amore interrotto** (ep.2), **終焉に起因する鼓動 - Palpitazioni dovute alla morte** (ep.3), **鬱々とした雨の先に - Oltre una pioggia malinconica** (ep.4), **混沌とともに生まれる疑惑 - Dubbi che nascono insieme al caos** (ep.5), **真実がもたらす絶望の渦 - Un vortice di disperazione mosso dalla verità** (ep.6), **交わった視線と体温 - Calore e sguardi incrociati** (ep.7), **奇跡を渇望した最期 - Ultimi istanti sperando in un miracolo** (ep.8).
_Starring:_ **Seto Toshiki** (as Nishina Masumi), **Nakata Keisuke** (as Kusakabe Ritsu), **Tomimoto Sōshō** (as Hirose Yūma - ep.3-8), **Idegami Baku** (as Kagami Meguru and Kagami Madoka - ep.5-8), **Ootsuki Takehiro** (as Hashimoto Yōsuke - ep.1, 2, 4), **Maeda Mizuki** (as Tsuyuguchi - ep.1, 2), **Nishimura Miyū** (as Taniguchi Misa, Miss Campus - ep.1, 2), **Ueda Takehiko** (as the MMB announcer - ep.1-3), **Suzawa Haruna** (as the other announcer - ep.1, 6), **Tosaka Jun'ichi** (as news voice - ep.1, 4), **Okada Kokona** (as the new student - ep.2), **Yūi Ryōko** (as Masumi’s okaasan - ep.4, 5), **Shōgaki Minato** (as young Masumi - ep.4), **Yoshida Munehiro** (as the hentai ossan - ep.5), **MOUTON Itō** (as the hotel owner - ep.5), **Matsumura Ryō** (as the man in the hallway - ep.5), **Shimizu Tōya** (as young Ritsu - ep.7), **Narimatsu Osamu** (as Ritsu’s father - ep.7), **Okaya Hitomi** (as Ritsu’s mother - ep.7), **Funaki Sachi** (as Meguru’s mother - ep.7, 8), **Iida Kisuke** (as Meguru’s father - ep.7, 8).
_Staff:_ **Koyama Erina** (music), **Shimizu Kazuyuki** (project and production), **Kawamura Miku** - **Kagawa Kaori** (producers), **Mori Hirofumi** (director - ep. 6, 7), **Miki Kōichirō** (director - ep.1-5, 8 - and screenwriter).
_Theme song:_ **“Futatabi (with Ootsuka Ai)”**, sung by **HIROBA** and **Ootsuka Ai**, lyrics and music by **aio** and **Mizuno Yoshiki**, arrangement by **Tsutaya Kōichi**.
_Language:_ Japanese (audio)
_Subtitles:_ Italian
_Video format:_ Avi (xvid codec)
_Resolution:_ 1920x1080
_Aspect Ratio:_ 16:9
_Size:_ 400 MiB (ep.1-6, 8), 405 MiB (ep.7).
_Runtime:_ 23:33 min:sec (ep.1-7), 23:12 min:sec (ep.8).
_Translation from japanese:_ Radicchio
_Timing:_ Radicchio
_Styling:_ Radicchio
_Encoding:_ Radicchio
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