[GB] Cyber City Oedo 808 Complete Comic Collection - 400 DPI Scans 2590x4090

2023-09-06 22:09 UTC
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4.5 GiB
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[GB] Cyber City Oedo 808 Complete Comic Collection-400 DPI Scans Issues: 6 Pages per issue: 28 Resolution: 400 DPI - 2590x4090 I have been looking for these online for years, and so far as I can see, they do not exist anywhere on the web, so I decided to buy the most mint comics I could locate for purchase, and produce my own scanned files. These comics were produced in the 90s, and only the covers are glossy. The internal pages are of low quality printing on low quality paper, and it certainly does show. However, the set I managed to find for purchase is in mint condition. Despite this, due to the cheap way they were made back then, the cells are not straight, and have some rotation to them. The actual pages were printed like that. It's not anything to do with my scanning/cropping processes. The colour balances are varied from page to page and issue to issue. Some pages have more grain than others. There are printing errors. Despite the excellent condition of the comics i've obtained, they were just cheaply produced back then. So, it is what it is. There is no digital version of this in existence. Scans are as good as it's ever gonna get. With all of that being said, I decided that these need to be done in the highest quality, being as I only intend to do this once. I first did test scans at the usual 300 DPI, and being as the pages are non-glossy, and on, frankly, awful quality paper, 300 DPI resulted in a lot of moire patterning, banding, and various other forms of distortion, as scanners don't seem to respond well to such low quality paper/printing. To offset this somewhat, I found that increasing to 400 DPI was enough to stop most of these issues, but, it has resulted in the files being rather large. Usually, I wouldn't do this, but, given the age of these, the absence of online availability, and the fact that modern mobile devices (tablets etc) can now read much larger files than they used to (and they're only getting better), it made sense to preserve these at very high quality. I know that perhaps not everyone will be happy with 400 DPI, but, these days, 4.5GB really isn't a lot, and my 3 year old OLED Samsung tablet reads them like a champ from MicroSD with no loading pauses whatsoever. I just wanted (as far as I can tell the one and only version of this on the entire web) to be preserved at a very high resolution, so that they will display beautifully on mobile devices for years to come. Given how good these look on tablet, despite all the issues listed above, I think they have turned out very well, and are well worth the file sizes. These are just the raw scans, cropped down to a uniform resolution for every single page. No other alterations have been made. Some time down the road, I may go back and clean up the images, even them out, de-grain, colour balance etc, but for now, these are just the basic scans, cropped and authored into CBR files. I'm by no means an expert on things of this nature, just an old-skool, die-hard Oedo fan, who wanted to bring the final piece of missing Cyber City media to the other fans out there. If anyone else would like to extract the PNG images from these and do anything with them, and hopefully re-post here in the future, please do be my guest. I would be most interested to see. Hope you all enjoy.

File list

Awesome! This kinda thing is always great to see.
Thanks for sharing. If you're worried about filesizes you could've tried losslessly optimizing the pages. Using oxipng on the images in `Cyber City Oedo 808 1-1.cbr` gives ~17% reduction in filesize. Assuming the rest are similar you'd save ~800MiB with no difference in image quality.

Gordon_Bennett (uploader)

@Lamp333333 - Wow. Never even heard of that before. Thanks for the info. I'll certainly keep it in mind for any future projects :-)
based big raw scans
These are the Central Park Media comics, right? I have a few issues of Iczer and some Project A-Ko comics as well. Interesting how they'd use western artists on some of the titles. Thanks so much! This is a total blast from the past.

Gordon_Bennett (uploader)

@yeeahokaywhatever - They are indeed, and you're most welcome. I was very happy to be able to find a set in such good condition to be able to preserve them at such high quality. Enjoy :-)
"I know that perhaps not everyone will be happy with 400 DPI" Well yeah, 600 dpi would've been nice. ;)
Also idk if you consider [this](https://i.ibb.co/pK94WrS/017.png) an improvement, but descreening gets rid of those halftone dots and compresses much better.

Gordon_Bennett (uploader)

@XRA9 - These were intended for viewing on digital devices. If i'd wanted to print them on big posters then i'd have gone 600 DPI+, but the filsize and resolution of these is more than enough for pc/tablet reading. As regards the descreening, as I said I may go back at some stage to do some additional work to the images, but for now, just wanted to get them done and out there. If anyone would like to do anything to them, for their own use, or for us all here to see, then please do go ahead. Enjoy.
Thanks Gordon_Bennett

Gordon_Bennett (uploader)

@peekaboo - You're most welcome. Had to finally get this acquired, scanned and out there after all these years of searching online :-)