Yes, this is Season 2, Episode 0. TheTVDB and TheMovieDB label this episode as S00E02 since this is considered a special. We use both of those sites as a reference when naming shows to allow for better compatibility with automation services such as *arr instances.
ok, so from what I can make out this is the “Guardian Fitz” special which other places (like AniDB) and groups (like EMBER) simply label this as ep 1, which I guess means this should be watched first.
Comments - 6
so… ep 00?
I’m confused too, I thought it would of been displayed as season 2
Yameii (uploader)
Yes, this is Season 2, Episode 0. TheTVDB and TheMovieDB label this episode as S00E02 since this is considered a special. We use both of those sites as a reference when naming shows to allow for better compatibility with automation services such as *arr instances.
What is the title of this episode?
Thanks for the explainer Yameii!
Much love and hope you’re well
ok, so from what I can make out this is the “Guardian Fitz” special which other places (like AniDB) and groups (like EMBER) simply label this as ep 1, which I guess means this should be watched first.