Obtained directly from [MANGA Plus](https://mangaplus.shueisha.co.jp/titles/100226).
Untouched x2100 **Jpeg** images, split dual-pages are merged.
**This compiled volume includes _raw_ pages from the Japanese volumes to keep the page count and numbering correct for ‘complete’ tank-style volumes.**
- This volume start with right-side page first (no inner cover page), start with 2 pages on dual-view readers for correct page order.
- All image filenames are tagged and are having page numbers according to the ToC.
*All image filenames are tagged and have the correct page number, including dual-page images.*
- These chapters start with the **right-side** page first, start with **two pages** on dual-view readers for correct page order.
- These chapters have a title so the archives contain a titled chapter sub-folder.
*Note: As volume 1 was released today (2023/06/02) I had no raws yet to use for extras or specific inserts, except for the first few volume pages.*
Chapters 001-016 only: https://nyaa.si/view/1678206
Comments - 2
Oakminati (uploader)