Uto Ch. 天使うと (@amatsukauto) Full YouTube Archive

2023-05-01 05:24 UTC
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295.6 GiB
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All Uto's streams as of April 30th, 2023. Includes her uploaded Videos, as well as Streams. Includes 720p streams with no metadata. I didn't have time to grab the 1080p videos before her videos went private. Her final stream is on there in 1080p though.

File list

  • Uto Ch. 天使うと (@amatsukauto) Full YouTube Archive
    • Streams
      • #1 壺おじには負けない。I won't lose to the jar... [Getting over it] [a2Yykk00EMU].mp4 (2.4 GiB)
      • ''passpartouto'' painting for sale. [Passpartout] [wII8dK_o6yc].mp4 (622.3 MiB)
      • 'First collabo' Cooking with whales and angels! [Overcooked2] [vVIt8pTMueA].mp4 (2.7 GiB)
      • 10Q supacha [8Uq8hcG8INA].mp4 (2.7 GiB)
      • APEXAPEXAPEX 【APEX】 [IG_Krf8DrlM].mp4 (2.1 GiB)
      • APEXするだよ~!!!! [e8AQXw9_Abk].mp4 (7.1 GiB)
      • APEXのリハビリをします<(^-^)>│APEX TIME [gk2JMVJ7FSk].mp4 (5.8 GiB)
      • Angel Shotgun Time [Apex Legends] [C2wXHHJzz0E].mp4 (4.2 GiB)
      • Apex ランクダイヤを目指して~!│ Playing the Ranks w_ 花咲 [IS04w-mLa2Y].mp4 (5.7 GiB)
      • BYE BYE! 2023-04-30 02_30 [kvEQm3Q6jpU].mp4 (3.3 GiB)
      • ENGLISH STUDY │ 英語勉強 ✩._˚ [6eFVN2ooEDc].mp4 (711.2 MiB)
      • English APEX w_ Selen , Restya ・_・ -≡( ε -)【APEX】 [jD6snoNtTAo].mp4 (6.4 GiB)
      • Happy white day [Real cooking] [Hf-qvkreCzQ].mp4 (935.0 MiB)
      • I can do alone! I'm not afraid! [Phasmophobia] [qYVHTF1W0d0].mp4 (1.1 GiB)
      • I could go on, looking for new stories to tell. [VISAGE] [0Ag9h1fuRFc].mp4 (1.8 GiB)
      • I want to be strong. [Apex Legends] [gpNBP57IeiU].mp4 (9.0 GiB)
      • I want to read Supacha. And I want to talk to everyone -) !! [REielPzzYiE].mp4 (1.8 GiB)
      • I'll teach you some simple kanji! [Ia65wNSHLL4].mp4 (1.2 GiB)
      • I'm going to storm the kitchen! haha [Cooking Simulator] [_akW0vKve24].mp4 (1.9 GiB)
      • If I dies, it's over! Angel Hardcore. [Minecraft] [FvnXd6VDxkI].mp4 (183.9 MiB)
      • It's a good day for exercise! [RingFit Adventure] [2onE06wstoM].mp4 (1.2 GiB)
      • New outfit reveal!!!! 新衣装お披露目!!💙 #Nyamatsuka #うと新衣装 [-_ow1oBpBLA].mp4 (969.7 MiB)
      • OUTLAST ..... [GC5P7Lw7oLo].mp4 (836.7 MiB)
      • Playing my first Resident Evil 7!! [Resident Evil 7] [Wgz1Qgq63i0].mp4 (6.1 GiB)
      • STUDY ENGLISH after a long time!! [wQy5BCmg-m4].mp4 (983.2 MiB)
      • Sorry. Horror games scare me more than the dentist. [Visage] [BlAwbkw_gsA].mp4 (2.2 GiB)
      • SuperChat Thank you♡ [mB10sJ_fbuw].mp4 (1.6 GiB)
      • Tell me how to play this game! IKZ!!!! [DOOM Eternal] [fKovKMKcs1c].mp4 (2.3 GiB)
      • Thank you Supacha & Free talk [jKdM5mVREP0].mp4 (1.8 GiB)
      • The scariest thing in the world is the dentist. [VISAGE] [Hsx3ikBgyW0].mp4 (1.8 GiB)
      • Today I slept a lot ! Champion IKZ!!! [Apex Legends] [2yreDaiuNU4].mp4 (9.2 GiB)
      • Today is the day I'm going to play 'DOOM eternal'. [Doom Eternal] [6ereB0kiYXM].mp4 (5.4 GiB)
      • Try to convert English to Japanese! [ltnq_HsyAbc].mp4 (744.6 MiB)
      • VALORANT フルパなら勝てるよね。。¦ I'm sure Full party can win.. [RmrJ-ZVWp1o].mp4 (1.9 GiB)
      • V最協のれんしゅう [APEX] [XYFCXR-HH7U].mp4 (5.8 GiB)
      • V最協のれんしゅう 幼女戦姫WIN [APEX] [5Mv_4h1JTZE].mp4 (4.5 GiB)
      • V最協のれんしゅう 幼女戦姫WIN [APEX] [rKFyl3XCNyo].mp4 (8.7 GiB)
      • V最協の後夜祭 幼女戦姫 [APEX] [yHlLkdLEPCw].mp4 (7.9 GiB)
      • V最協の顔合わせです~! Practice for APEX competition [APEX] [4XfcQu5UTds].mp4 (3.2 GiB)
      • V最協本番です!! #幼女戦姫WIN 3分遅延あり [APEX] [3bdx5frppqc].mp4 (3.2 GiB)
      • [ Q&A ] Marshmallow time! [FbwLZgIfFQg].mp4 (802.0 MiB)
      • [10Q 2020]みんなで新年に向けてカウントダウンします!Everyone will count down for the new year!☀ [z4l9uFbBAkI].mp4 (2.4 GiB)
      • [51 Worldwide Games] First collaboration with Nabimama !!! [RAnaB53tg1k].mp4 (1019.2 MiB)
      • [ASMR] I will heal you!!<3 [PvTLiKMxPXY].mp4 (351.9 MiB)
      • [ASMR] Welcome to the world of Uto💙 [Pr-1u8y0hhQ].mp4 (299.5 MiB)
      • [Apex Legends] EVA-8 or Mastiff? [uWSZ8yAi-SI].mp4 (4.9 GiB)
      • [Apex Legends] I can do it alone. Rank IKZ! [Oe2_FFHSXzI].mp4 (5.1 GiB)
      • [Apex Legends] RIGNITE CUP れんすう w Restya,Anzu [aAc3cSWzlu4].mp4 (4.8 GiB)
      • [Apex legends] チャンピオン取れるかな~Can i get the champion [5QDkXZ15o3M].mp4 (3.2 GiB)
      • [Apex] OHAYO~! [ANVGnpFa-gU].mp4 (2.6 GiB)
      • [BAO×UTO] APEX CARRY TIME! [IGv6w6QhYaI].mp4 (4.2 GiB)
      • [BIOHAZARD Village] Uto is alive~! KOWAI NE [LwqBzMLhiDk].mp4 (2.9 GiB)
      • [BIOHAZARD Village] a....OBS.....E...... [GhEh45cZMHY].mp4 (5.5 GiB)
      • [COLLABO] It take two with Nana-chan! [UCnvonpFIXE].mp4 (3.5 GiB)
      • [COLLABO] Something Drawing with Nabi,Mana [ifNHAVDUuy8].mp4 (961.4 MiB)
      • [Getting over it] #1 壺おじに負けない。I won't lose to my uncle.✨ [3a65aa9U0bg].mp4 (992.7 MiB)
      • [Getting over it] #2 今日こそは負けない。I won't lose today. [z006Jo0lhjc].mp4 (6.6 GiB)
      • [Getting over it] #3 今日で壺とはさよならだ。Goodbye to the jar today. [-5DzLzuCdAI].mp4 (1.6 GiB)
      • [MONSTER HUNTER RISE] Monhan~♪ [ef_0ptjk88E].mp4 (3.7 GiB)
      • [Minecraft] BEE REVENGE [JTpLwIfS3SE].mp4 (3.4 GiB)
      • [Minecraft] Create diamond items.💙 [CrBVVOlyrGA].mp4 (2.9 GiB)
      • [Minecraft] Freedom craft [fRNWeMhlApo].mp4 (2.3 GiB)
      • [Minecraft] I'll show you my building skills^^ [YDwIWWzGCqg].mp4 (1.9 GiB)
      • [Minecraft] axolotlaxolotlaxolotlaxolotlaxolotlaxolotl [HHEE786TziA].mp4 (3.7 GiB)
      • [Phasmophobia] time~! Selen,Gurin,Chigusa [yjw2JlCeL8E].mp4 (2.0 GiB)
      • [STUDY ENGLISH] night study sesh!! [rf4up25ZsKA].mp4 (694.6 MiB)
      • [SUPER CHAT] 近状報告! I'll tell you what I've been up to! [s6fMerf7x0E].mp4 (3.0 GiB)
      • [The Caregiver] UTO helper today [U83kE2uYyK4].mp4 (1.1 GiB)
      • [The henry stickmin collection] My choice will change his fate! [PC4wgKW5rRw].mp4 (1.4 GiB)
      • [Utolk] AMERICAN UTO [5NL3dZ1BZbk].mp4 (1.0 GiB)
      • [Utolk] English time~!!!!! [FtLdLlbP7SY].mp4 (1.2 GiB)
      • [Valorant] ※UTROLL [sdk8EVrxSfs].mp4 (2.5 GiB)
      • [Visage] Final episode [gP7ELDHjpf8].mp4 (3.7 GiB)
      • [ほぼ英語] 簡単な英語でお話がしてみたい!Let's talk in simple English! Almost english... ! [JpmvBZgl91Q].mp4 (767.4 MiB)
      • [咀嚼音注意] 激辛を食べてみたかった...Can you live by eating spicy ramen [hhudT0Chfcs].mp4 (639.9 MiB)
      • [空気読み3] READ THE AIR [caefIECpewM].mp4 (439.6 MiB)
      • archive.txt (2.4 KiB)
      • 【#uto3D #utoHBD】うと、遂に3Dになったよ...!重大発表も...!? [Zmt3s-32wTA].mp4 (597.7 MiB)
      • 【1周年記念】KARAOKE IKZ~!!! [cPjEeC2qycg].mp4 (1.4 GiB)
      • 【APEX】YUKWIN AFTER PARTY ✩._˚ 幼女戦姫WIN コラボ!!! [igb8oE_Inx8].mp4 (3.1 GiB)
      • 【ENGLISH STUDY】yaruzo~!! [s2OV2nIYQzI].mp4 (524.2 MiB)
      • 【JumpKing】今日こそは...! │ Today is the day...! [aBgoZaImfVI].mp4 (3.8 GiB)
      • 【KARAOKE】wa------!!!!!!! [aWGDLG39q5c].mp4 (1.5 GiB)
      • 【ONE HAND CLAPPING】nya~n🎵 [CxkzIHebwfI].mp4 (2.3 GiB)
      • 【PR】「世界の終わりに柴犬と」 同時視聴 ❕初の声優のお話など... [DY3pLJS8zSQ].mp4 (207.9 MiB)
      • 【PR】うとが声優...!?「世界の終わりに柴犬と」出演回 同時視聴 ¦ Uto is a voice actor...! Watchalong 🐶 [NF3xlWlJmGI].mp4 (329.4 MiB)
      • 【みんなのリズム天国】やってみよ~!🎵 :3 [Ne5olAWLKW0].mp4 (536.0 MiB)
      • おとしだまあげよっか [6hEQctyiF3Q].mp4 (407.5 MiB)
      • おれはようじょだ Iam Loli w 20_00~ Vcustom [APEX] [W3PRFSnOu30].mp4 (5.6 GiB)
      • お正月に初詣に行くための神社作り!Build a new year shrine⛩[Minecraft] [6HfSurjAlFc].mp4 (1.5 GiB)
      • こんばんは~歌をきいてもらえますか [ST5lGhByPqk].mp4 (536.4 MiB)
      • そろそろ英語だけの配信をしたい!I want to stream in English as soon as possible! [M3e1UmL8GRg].mp4 (1.2 GiB)
      • たくさんコメントが読めるようになりたい!!I want to be able to read a lot of comments✨[duolingo] [Ei8iGpELhUc].mp4 (1.2 GiB)
      • たこ焼きパーティー │TAKOYAKI PARTY 🌟【カメラ枠】 [75Ri8fgPAwI].mp4 (846.5 MiB)
      • みんなと10万人を迎える!!!Welcoming 100,000 people with everyone! !! !! [KoOkgyB7lvw].mp4 (667.4 MiB)
      • めりくり!!X’mas KARAOKE PArty 🎄 [T5XvwqTNRuU].mp4 (937.0 MiB)
      • れんしゅうします JST 20_00~ Custom [APEX] [n-ok1qNwxhY].mp4 (4.3 GiB)
      • クリスマス配信 STUDY ENGLISH🎄Merry Christmas everyone! ✨ [91kXvlOmY-c].mp4 (905.9 MiB)
      • ゲリラ!?雑談しながら5万人を見届けたい!!Chat with streaming and see 50,000 registrants!! [sWHf_YsurVY].mp4 (1.4 GiB)
      • スパチャお礼と雑談 10Q Supacha!300K! and talk! [KbBn8UdhLL0].mp4 (1.0 GiB)
      • ハーモニカ影廊 │ Shadow Corridor with Harmonica [lRBaLRfvG4E].mp4 (1.5 GiB)
      • レイスのれんしゅう Wraith Practice JST20_00~ custom [APEX] [tG-sop3XXcs].mp4 (9.7 GiB)
      • 今日も英語の勉強会です!Today is also an English study session! [duolingo] [DonsxyNtXc0].mp4 (1.6 GiB)
      • 参加型のために練習する!!Practice for participatory! [MARIOKART 8] [eA4h4U6QcKE].mp4 (2.7 GiB)
      • 参加型マリオカートだ!!Participatory Mario Kart! Come on!![MARIOKART 8] [hrWYkWlna80].mp4 (2.3 GiB)
      • 年賀状を書きましょう!!Let's write a New Year's card! ✨ [TIhInyGD5K0].mp4 (812.4 MiB)
      • 怖くないから。I'm not afraid. 【Poppy Playtime】 [eM7Zyqpr33E].mp4 (1.2 GiB)
      • 歌ったり、話したり ✩._˚ Sing , Talk ✩._˚ 🎃 [uOvXWxGy85Q].mp4 (1.9 GiB)
      • 私が王冠を貰う!!I get the crown! [Fall Guys] [E4K5b9S4Zfk].mp4 (3.9 GiB)
      • 私が良く使う日本語教えます!!!I will teach you Japanese ✨ [BPUE-baIfA4].mp4 (820.0 MiB)
      • 私と英語をマスターしようじゃないか!!Practice speaking English perfectly! [duolingo] [tke20ljYpeM].mp4 (1.2 GiB)
      • 精神病院に行ってみるよ...I'll go to a yabai mental hospital... [OUTLAST] [AHpUZ58RNX4].mp4 (3.1 GiB)
      • 精神病院に隠された謎に迫る... Approaching the mystery hidden in the mental hospital... [OUTLAST DLC] [9dmYk7J-eLU].mp4 (1.2 GiB)
      • 英会話を学ぶ!Learn English conversation✨ [n9GB7KFljUw].mp4 (732.0 MiB)
      • 英語が上手になった気がします! I feel my English is getting better! [duolingo] [13R7hnr6bhE].mp4 (1.2 GiB)
      • 英語を頑張っていつかみんなと話したい!I want to do my best in English and talk to everyone someday![duolingo] [OukwJn7h2Ng].mp4 (1.7 GiB)
      • 英語配信が楽しすぎる!!✨English stream is too fun! [duolingo] [RIZhk4ZFLOc].mp4 (1.2 GiB)
      • 頂いたスパチャを読みながら雑談!Talk while reading Super Chat!10Q [GwomIM_PHZo].mp4 (1.4 GiB)
      • [​COLLAB] Plz carry me Pikamee [MONSTER HUNTER RISE] [MoIs1uoZWtc].mp4 (2.6 GiB)
    • Videos
      • All I want for christmas is you covered by amatsukauto ໒꒱· ゚ [2SVDVhzzzSY].mp4 (24.7 MiB)
      • Angel With A Shotgun covered by amatsukauto ໒꒱· ゚ [_BSSJi-sHh8].mp4 (18.4 MiB)
      • G G B A B Y [LF8TMQF-j6k].mp4 (4.5 MiB)
      • H E L L O [m6t74kFPFyc].mp4 (1.4 MiB)
      • Henceforth covered by amatsukauto ໒꒱· ゚ [SSvpBqEVhyI].mp4 (7.6 MiB)
      • Kanaria - KING covered by amatsukauto ໒꒱· ゚ [iakRougYb04].mp4 (9.4 MiB)
      • OMAE HA MOU SHINDEIRU [mH3JaxvyNj4].mp4 (1.2 MiB)
      • Self Control by amatsukauto ໒꒱· ゚ 【orignal】 [kv-0S_g3sew].mp4 (75.6 MiB)
      • UTOPIA by amatsukauto ໒꒱· ゚ 【orignal】 [tRL7aL7VE4M].mp4 (15.4 MiB)
      • archive.txt (378 Bytes)
      • 【1周年記念】スターナイトスノウ covered by amatsukauto ໒꒱· ゚ [XIxlFxpPhqQ].mp4 (57.1 MiB)
      • 【2021_12_15 RELEASE】天使うと _ Amatsuka Uto 1stAlbum『UTOPIA』【XFD】 [JjALT0updN8].mp4 (9.5 MiB)
      • ぎゅっと。_ もさを。 【天使うと】 [1VWPyE9AqAw].mp4 (10.5 MiB)
      • インドア系ならトラックメイカー covered by Uto & Nabi [09SmuZgwGsM].mp4 (12.8 MiB)
      • エンヴィーベイビー covered by amatsukauto ໒꒱· ゚ [KPv_GpCC8Q4].mp4 (5.7 MiB)
      • グッバイ宣言 covered by amatsukauto ໒꒱· ゚ [sOGxf_2LzpA].mp4 (5.3 MiB)
      • ダダダダ天使 covered by amatsukauto ໒꒱· ゚ [UYdFBVN5CbM].mp4 (19.7 MiB)
      • 怪物 - 天使うと × カグラナナ [HBktLTyLL9U].mp4 (35.5 MiB)