[Reza] Gintama - S01E001-012 [DVDRip 480p HEVC FLAC]

2023-03-19 21:43 UTC
File size:
14.7 GiB
Info hash:
Here is the V1 of the first cour of gintama. New improved encode for all the episode and unlike before it was encoded in 480p to keep proper aspect ratio. There is a flag set that will resize to proper aspect ratio of 720x533 when played. I went through the subs and fixed all of the TS timing issues along with putting in a little effort into making it look less bad but there is only so much I can do since im not really a proper fansubber. I’m sure there is gonna still be consistency issues in this and every few cours I plan on releasing a V2 of everything that has already come out with fixes. Episode 001-002 was a broadcast special that is not the proper start to the series If anyone wants to help with this project feel free to join the server Thank you to Pithree for subbing the OP/ED Reuploading because there was an issue the ED not syncing correctly after merging the sub files. the rest of the torrent is the same.

File list

  • [Reza] Gintama
    • NCs
      • [Reza] Gintama - NCED01.mkv (99.7 MiB)
      • [Reza] Gintama - NCOP01.mkv (102.6 MiB)
    • [Reza] Gintama - S01E001-002.mkv (2.2 GiB)
    • [Reza] Gintama - S01E003.mkv (1.3 GiB)
    • [Reza] Gintama - S01E004.mkv (1.3 GiB)
    • [Reza] Gintama - S01E005.mkv (1.3 GiB)
    • [Reza] Gintama - S01E006.mkv (1.3 GiB)
    • [Reza] Gintama - S01E007.mkv (1.3 GiB)
    • [Reza] Gintama - S01E008.mkv (1.2 GiB)
    • [Reza] Gintama - S01E009.mkv (1.2 GiB)
    • [Reza] Gintama - S01E010.mkv (1.2 GiB)
    • [Reza] Gintama - S01E011.mkv (1.1 GiB)
    • [Reza] Gintama - S01E012.mkv (1.2 GiB)
Were the bluray sources not to your liking?

Reza27 (uploader)

The BDs are unusable. They are improperly upscaled DVDs and the telecine pattern cannot be undone in the first place. Along with that the DVDs are really good overall.
Well I will take your word for it. Thank you for your work on this project.
The TS in ep 11's title card text (01:40) is a bit cut off at the top and bottom, same with ep 10 (24:39). The "Ginpachi Sensei" text also seems to have been removed in your updated subs, guessing from just not wanting to TS it. Some TS is mistimed a few frames too like the 'Preview' text in Ep 4 (24:24) while CBT's release seems fine. Also the title card TS in ep 1-2 (47:18) being a few frames late. As well as TS background not matched to the video colorspace (ep 8 23:06) & mistimed. Bit worried to continue random QC as there _are_ noteworthy improvements over other releases. :( Was yousei-raws's DVD in the wrong colorspace this entire time too? (bt.601-625 vs bt.601-525 yours) They also decided to crop the dirty line edges while you left them so that could be something to consider trying to fix if there's ever a better future source that doesn't have the [awful dark frame transition macroblocking](https://i.imgur.com/exVW1ON.png).

Reza27 (uploader)

I was sure there would be a fair number of issues considering that if I were to do a thorough QC pass and try to find everything myself this would take several years to release so I appreciate the help with this. the video can't be cropped since then it isn't possible to get the correct aspect ratio, however x265 has flags that are supposed to tell the video decoder to crop the overscan on playback but it seems that is currently not supported https://x265.readthedocs.io/en/master/cli.html#cmdoption-overscan I think that some of the issues such as the titlecard in episode 10 are due to MPV not resizing the subs correctly as they are correct in aegisub ![.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/808879906980757547/1087365435097362533/image.png) I was assured that all of this should resize correctly but now im just considering going back to cropping and resizing in vapoursynth even if it isn't technically the correct AR so that I don't run into weird issues like this. I'll be pretty busy over the next two weeks but I'll try to take a look at it when I have more time
You absolutely can crop the sides and keep accurate PAR. The mpv/aegisub discrepancy is likely due to you using a non-default value ("no") for the vsfilter aspect compat option.

Reza27 (uploader)

you cant get an accurate Par In vs because the working area is not a mod2 value
Things like this is why I never left dvd encodes anamorphic and generally encoded them to 720x540 as it ensures everyone gets the same experience regardless of video player options and settings. It's impossible to account for all the possible variations otherwise. Granted more modern video players likely handle things better in general and more consistently across the board than video players of 10-15 years ago, but clearly by the above issue it still isn't and likely never will be perfect.

Reza27 (uploader)

many modern subs will also break on many different video players. This release was scuffed because I had a bad build of aegisub but for the second cour and onwards the video is TSed with an uncropped and unresized video so it should playback fine no matter what.
v2 in batch or new release soon? Do I dare QC more?
> Things like this is why I never left dvd encodes anamorphic and generally encoded them to 720x540 as it ensures everyone gets the same experience regardless of video player options and settings. It’s impossible to account for all the possible variations otherwise. This is bad practice and destroys video quality. 720x540 is also the wrong aspect ratio for 4:3 DVDs so...

Reza27 (uploader)

@Mabby I intended to batch every couple cours together with fixes. probably every 50 episodes for DVDs and since BDs don't really need to be touched I was gonna release those as seasons then have one final batch at the very end for the whole show that should be completely issue free
one day Id like to do a proper release of gintama with some basic level of quality for the TS