Concrete Revolutio - Choujin Gensou | Concrete Revolutio - Superhuman Phantasmagoria |

On a sunny July day in the 41st year of the Shinka Era, Jirou Hitoyoshi is tasked with covertly listening in on a secret meeting between a top government scientist and an industrial spy. However, his cover is blown, and the spy reveals himself to be an alien in disguise. Amidst the ensuing chaos, Jirou enlists the aid of cafe waitress and magical girl Kikko Hoshino, one of many "superhumans" who blend into society and secretly protect humanity from extraterrestrial threats. As a member of the government agency known as the Super Population Research Laboratory, Jirou has the dual task of protecting superhumans that defend humanity and disposing of any deemed too dangerous to live. Having proven herself a worthy ally, Kikko is invited to join the agency as its newest recruit.
Fast forward five years: disapproval and distaste for superhumans are now commonplace in Tokyo. From government corruption and conflicting ideas of justice, to the morality of superhuman rights, the relationship between humans and the supernatural minority balances precariously in a world pervaded by whispers of unrest and unease. Under mysterious circumstances, Jirou has betrayed the agency, and is now a fugitive on the run. As he skulks through the rainy back alleys of Shinjuku, he is pursued by the very same superhumans that he himself once recruited.
Video: (VCB-Studio)
Audio: (Yameii) (VCB-Studio)
- English [Full Dialogue] [CW]
- English [Signs and Songs] [CW]
- English [Closed Captions] [Funi] (Yameii)
- Japanese PGS Subs (VCB-Studio)
- Japanese Dialogue (VCB-Studio)
- VCB-Studio's raw for the video and FLAC audio
- Resurrected HorribleSubs release and used their subs as a base. No previous release had any of the signs and songs.
- Retimed and added all signs/songs. Literally went frame by frame to manually add them by comparing Yameii's release.
Link to S02:
@ExData7 Yup! took soooo much longer than I thought it would. This show is actually amazing and I'm surprised that it is not bigger than it is.
shout out to @Yameii for dropping the dubs immediately after I mentioned it a few days ago!
@crywolf203 Ikr!! i saw this anime mentioned in a underrated anime video and the animation along with the character designs caught my attention and did more digging and found out it had a dub too lmao
Comments - 6
crywolf203 (uploader)