Buenas, en esta ocasión les traigo las 3 películas que sumarizan los hechos de los arcos de East Blue, Alabasta y Skypiea, encodeadas por mi, con animación mejorada (excepto alabasta que solo está en formato hd pero sin animación nueva). Arcos clásicos para tener en la colección sin tener que revisualizar 150 capítulos (obviamente no se deben ver si no se vió la serie primero, sino faltarán muchos detalles, no se recomienda evitar la serie y saltar a estas pelis para esos arcos).
Hi, this time I bring you the 3 movies that summarize the events of the East Blue, Alabasta and Skypiea arcs, encoded by me, with improved animation (except alabasta which is only in hd format but without new animation). Classic arcs to have in the collection without having to view 150 episodes (obviously they should not be seen if the series was not seen first, otherwise many details will be missing, it is not recommended to avoid the series and jump to these movies for those arcs).
Available subtitles: English - Latin Spanish - Brasilian Portuguese.
IMPORTANT: The Alabasta episode ONLY has Latin Spanish subs.
In chronological order:
https://myanimelist.net/anime/36215/One_Piece__Episode_of_East_Blue (OASC-Rips)
https://myanimelist.net/anime/2107/One_Piece_Movie_08__Episode_of_Alabasta (Own Rip)
https://myanimelist.net/anime/37902/One_Piece__Episode_of_Sorajima (OASC-Rips)
Comments - 2
english dub?
ari-m (uploader)
@Slybunda There are no english dubs in any of my torrents, only in subtitles.