Stellar Transformation [Xing Chen Bian] Season 5 Episode 01–08 [53-60]
If you wish here is the first half of S5 - I noticed unposted till half a day before my awaited halfway mark ep available (yesterday lol). Cannot say how this compares to other upload as its files are being a right pain to upload :).
So here it is anyway, if you are seeking decent size & ep 8. :)
Sources are the best I could get from Web, mainly Lucifer Donghua In. & some MyAnimeLive.
720p, like quality encode as norm for me. If it matters to you I encode around 3 bit with 264 & as source … :) It is what it is, based on processing & size to time.
Don’t like it, please find better & upload :) At least these subs are better than most of the awful weekly web trash.
Not edited as no OP/ED on feeds.
I do not list show details as Season 5.
Hopefully someone will cover properly, till then I may well do completed second half of this as is.
Enjoy if you will & here’s hoping for a better second half :)
Comments - 2
Dryvern (uploader)
Well excuse a late night & crossed uploads. Lol seems I am the only one doing S5. All good & yes I’m still hoping for better :):) - Hall of C … I’m hoping for some catch up on A Will Eternal over doing this by far (love the work Hall of C: & yep guess the sources come when they come) About time I hit the sac!
Dryvern (uploader)
I am removing this from my personal seeding list as there is now better from Hall of C (good stuff, very recommended - THANKS) :)
I know it doesn’t look like it but if you are still downloading there are plenty of seeds - Cheers all seeds.
Currently The season is on midterm hold (I think till next month) so as there is no batch you can find the latest Ep 09 at the link below & search NYAA from there.
Here’s looking forward to the second half :)
Personally I hope too for a catch up on A Will Eternal as Hall of C does such a good job… (not that I guess this provides HoC any extra time) no pressure I’m just greedy lol (mainly just very glad the good work continues).