***Asobi Asobase v12-13 - Rin Suzukawa***

[Previous Pack](https://nyaa.si/view/1553977) (replace the Volume 12 with the (f) version from here)
[DDL Link](https://mega.nz/folder/HWYExDoB#Pe034zsuKxMhF8XZubvz3Q) (All volumes to date as of 17/08/2022)
*Basically "Ritalin: The Manga"*
Hey, this is Cerebral here again. As before you're welcome to join the [r/mp server](https://discord.gg/ZgMtAyxFSU), it's fun!
So we can finally compile Volume 13, eh? I've been busy with... actually that's a lie - I've been lazy. I know it, so I'll allow you all to say my ["wheelchair game is whack."](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxL0uzkUXDLgPH-q6zDxz5grbFGJlhVhuk) Only once though. So you may be wondering why we have an (f) file in here for Volume 12... well I put the wrong ISBN on the last page and although that is such a minor inconvenience... something something, step on a butterfly and ten people die in a random Scottish hamlet. I know we already have a Volume 13 on here, but does it have a TOC to make you question your own sanity? No? Wait you never asked? Well... damn.
Why did I do this? Well... chapter releases are a crime against humanity, so I wanted to experience the manga as it should be consumed. At least that's what helps me sleep at night... and will henceforth be my legal defense.
Okay, there's an (f2) on mega, I may have accidentally messed up the borders on my TOC and it was bothering me. Not worth another upload but if it bugs you too, that's where the fix is.
Comments - 1
peaceundaling (uploader)