[Henshin-Man] Kotetsu Jeeg 1-4 (1080p)(HEVC)(h265)

2022-07-06 17:47 UTC
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3.2 GiB
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Here are the first four episodes of Toei's 1974 giant robot anime, "Kotetsu Jeeg," scrubbed by yours truly and presented in 1080p! The source materials came from kevenz's torrent, which he posted on here back in 2018, and ripped from the Italian BD set. This is probably the best this show has ever looked, or is going to look for a while, so I took the opportunity to work on it while no one else was. The subtitles were in some form of "Engrish," as they say, and were synced with the Japanese audio track, so I just edited them for clarity and simple, common-sense stuff and a few translation errors. Kevenz wasn't sure where he got them, so I'm not sure if they were from the Italian BD set (which is where I credited them in my stamp on the end of every ep), or if these were some form of ARR's subs from way back when. Either way, they actually make sense and flow a LOT better now. One slight change I made was in the translation of the word "Kotetsu," which can be interpreted as "steel man," "iron man," and many other ways. What I did was translate it as "Steel God" in order to make it match the 2008 remake series that came out with the same name, in order to make things consistent with both versions. Other than that, it's the same old Jeeg we've all come to know, with it's 2-minute opening and closing sequences, it's minute-thirty episode previews, and the usual Toei robot trappings of monster of the week + situation of the week + whatever drama is going on in the hero's life. Jeeg does rise above that ever so slightly, however, thanks to having an excellent staff, great musical score, catchy theme songs, and an actual weakness for the hero robot, which was very unlike most shows of its time (most of those giant robots were invincible, indestructible, and couldn't be topped by any villain's robot, which made things awfully boring). Enjoy this upgraded presentation of Jeeg (which will be coming out in 4-episode batches at least once a month), and be sure to seed for a while after you're done!

File list

  • [Henshin-Man] Kotetsu Jeeg 1-4 (1080p)(HEVC)(10-bit)
    • [Henshin-Man] Kotetsu Jeeg - 01 (1080p HEVC h265).mkv (869.3 MiB)
    • [Henshin-Man] Kotetsu Jeeg - 02 (1080p HEVC h265).mkv (820.4 MiB)
    • [Henshin-Man] Kotetsu Jeeg - 03 (1080p HEVC h265).mkv (827.6 MiB)
    • [Henshin-Man] Kotetsu Jeeg - 04 (1080p HEVC h265).mkv (772.5 MiB)
Awesome! Many thanks for doing this.
Welcome back! Can't wait to watch these.
I'm pretty sure the first seven episodes were done by the Skaro Hunting Society years ago. Other than that, changeman did episodes eight through thirteen and Ctenosaur did episode nine as part of his "Super Robot & Classic Anime Sampler" tape, which is on the Internet Archive alongside a ton of old VHS-era fansubs.
italian BDs don't have the english subs, that much I can tell you. Also, I'd appreciate it if you could slap the Italian subs there if it doesn't require any timing on your part.
If I may, I've yet to download anything but just reading the description, couldn't the title just have been "Steel Jeeg"? Since all your examples don't apply to just "Koutetsu".
Henshin-Man continues to rock out - thanks for the great anime and toku, brother!

HenshinMan (uploader)

@greboguru: You're welcome, this project was in desperate need of attention. @DodgyAussie: It's good to be back, finally. Glad to see you're still on here, too! @Cavery210: As usual, you are an archive of endless fansub knowledge. Thanks for sharing that info! @Interruptor: Thanks for the info on the Italian BDs. I'll change my credit stamp to "ARR," then. @T_F_C12: I was trying to make the title of this version match the name/title of the 2008 remake series, but since that stirred up so much ire, the next batch of eps (5-8) will feature the name as simply "Steel Jeeg." Easy fix. @robotoku: Yep, this stuff is my passion, and since I lost my job to Covid, I decided to take up fansubbing as a part-time hobby/profession. I'm not always the best at getting subs out on time, but I do try my best, and that's what counts!
Very sorry about the loss of your job, Henshin-Man : ( Hey man, we all appreciate what you do - for me it's always like Christmas morning as a kid whenever you post more goodies! Can't wait for Jeeg eps 5-8!

HenshinMan (uploader)

@robotoku: Yeah, I had a great job at a local library that was shut down due to the pandemic, and when it re-opened with limited hours, they weren't open long enough to keep me around, and plus, hardly anyone was checking out books anymore. The library is now undergoing remodeling and they have moved the entire operation into an old elementary school gymnasium, which means they only have a limited selection of books out and can easily do everything themselves (I mostly shelved books and helped people who were browsing find what they were looking for). I miss everyone there and the job itself, but it's time to move on. I appreciate your sympathy, though; Lord knows we need more of that in the world today! As for Jeeg, episode #5 is done, and episode #6 is about half-way done. I've watched #7 ahead of time so I have an idea of what I'll be editing, but #8 is still way off. I haven't forgotten about it, trust me, I'm just moving like a turtle these days. Thank you for the "Christmas morning" compliment, too; that made my entire day. You have yourself a good one and take care!