Title: Botsuraku Yotei nanode, Kajishokunin wo Mezasu / Expecting to Fall into Ruin, I Aim to Become a Blacksmith
Author: CK
Illustrator: Kawaku
Genres: Fantasy, Romance, Drama, School Life
Translation: [Moon Bunny Cafe](https://moonbunnycafe.com/botsuraku-youtei-nanode-kajishokunin-wo-mezasu/) (v1c1-v1c15), [Sloth Translations](https://slothtranslationsblog.com/expecting-to-fall-into-ruin-i-aim-to-become-a-blacksmith-toc/) (v1c16-v3c3), [Kenkyo Reika](https://kenkyokisshouinreika.wordpress.com/expecting-to-fall-into-ruin-i-aim-to-become-a-blacksmith/) (v3c4-v3c17), Novelsnow (v4c1-v4c5), [Asian Hobbyist](https://www.asianhobbyist.com/series/bots/) (v4c6-)
> The main character is reborn as a character from a game he played in his previous life. This character falls into ruin along with the villainess, spending the last of their years together. A man named Kururi Helan.
No details of this decline is written inside the game, it can’t be understood why this sub-character ended up with the villainess route. However, that is of no importance.
Living as a needy farmer along with someone is unpleasant, so the main character seeks a profession. For now, he aims for becoming a blacksmith as he originally had skill in it.
WN chapters split following the LN release (at the best of my guessing game) and added color illustrations. A few volumes ended up really short so the LN must have quite a bit of more content but that was never translated.
This novel has been on hiatus at volume 9 since ~2018 so it's probably as good as completed like this.
Comments - 2
HowUnfortunate (uploader)