Black Bullet v05-07 [Yen Press] [Stick]

2022-05-23 21:32
File size:
76.8 MiB
Info hash:

I plan on doing Cheeky Brat v03 tonight and Harem Marriage later that day. So What I Love About You and Saint Young Men will be done later on (probably by the end of the week).


File list

  • Black Bullet [Yen Press] [Stick]
    • Black Bullet v05 - Rentaro Satomi, Fugitive [Yen Press] [Stick].epub (17.5 MiB)
    • Black Bullet v06 - Purgatory Strider [Yen Press] [Stick].epub (16.9 MiB)
    • Black Bullet v07 - The Bullet That Changed the World [Yen Press] [Stick].epub (42.3 MiB)

Can you do the previous vols of black bullet?

@ Dudun … all you need to do to get all the “officially translated” licensed versions of this and a LOT of other stories … is to go here …Ganba has been doing monthly updates of licensed copies of lots of different LN’s for something like over 2 years now … his monthly updates are probably the very best source for LN’s here in nyaa … and for fan-translated stuff he has a link to a site just for that

yeah I know. i was wondering if he has better versions of vol 1-4. i guess he probably has. i wonder why vol 7 alone is about 42 mb though

@ Dudun … it is kind of like the wide variety of file sizes for both manga and anime … it depends on what “quality” it was scanned, or copied at … and for LN’s I have noticed that the file size can also depend on how much artwork (pics) were scanned if any were included in the vol (and at what “quality” they were scanned at)

I have been getting numerous LN’s from the Ganba batch for at least a couple of years now, and all of the stuff I have gotten (both pdf and epub) have always been good quality that I never had any problems getting to load/read on any of my laptops or any of my Android tablets