[Trix] 5 Centimeters per Second [Optional Dual Audio][Multi subs - VOSTFR] (BD 1080p AV1) - Byousoku 5 Centimeter

2022-04-02 20:43 UTC
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File size:
644.1 MiB
Info hash:
## **5 Centimeters per Second [(MyAnimeList)](https://myanimelist.net/anime/1689/Byousoku_5_Centimeter?q=5%20Centimeters%20per%20Second&cat=anime "5 Centimeters per Second on MyAnimeList")** *** # **→ `English`** #### Disclaimer : My goal is to enable better low-sized anime releases, by using the most efficient tools available right now, tweaked to still be plenty fast. ###### AV1 is a relatively new codec. It *may* struggle on older devices in 1080p. ###### AV1 is superior in certain usecases, just like H.265 or VP9 are in others, or like H.264 and even XviD were at some point. I am merely taking advantage of this fact. I won't deny the superiority of other codec for other uses. Current AV1 encoders aren't quite tuned for high fidelity and fine detail retention, however its artefacts at low bitrates (mainly blur and loss of surface details) are much less noticeable than HEVC's, which usually appear in the form of blocking AND very poor motion clarity. ###### Helping the anime community to improve in certain area, where many people think it has been stagnant for years, is another one of my objectives. Accelerating the democratization of AV1 on anime trackers like nyaa can only be beneficial for everyone. That way people can learn what it is, why it matters, and how to use it effectively. It will help people understand where it struggles and should be avoided, but also recognize its strength. *** **Contain :** - 1 movie **Video** : 1080p AV1 10bits (Source : [BD](https://nyaa.si/view/1423070 "TPN's release")) **Audio 1** : Japanese - 128kbps Opus 2.0 **Audio 2** : Japanese - 256kbps Opus 5.1 **Optional Audio** : English 2.0, French 2.0 **→ download [here](https://nyaa.si/view/1509674)** **Subtitles** : English, French Thanks to the people involved in this release, including the sources. > **For the best experience on PC or any Android device, install preferably [MPV](https://iamscum.wordpress.com/guides/videoplayback-guide/ "MPV setup guide for PC"), or MPC-HC with the [K-Lite Codec Pack](http://www.codecguide.com/) (if your pc can handle it), or maybe [VLC](https://www.videolan.org/vlc/ "VLC official website")** [Detailed compatibility list](https://gist.github.com/trixoniisama/82158fc48f7edb0db8338779a997dad0 "long and tedious, good luck") #### → TLDR: Any 4 cores 3rd gen Intel CPUs or AMD Zen ones or newer, any 8 cores phone CPU manufactured in 2017 or after won't have any playback issues. ← *** #### *► Please, seed to keep the torrent alive !* *** # **→ `Français`** #### Note : Mon objectif est de créer de meilleures *releases* de petite taille, en utilisant les outils les plus efficients du moment, modifiés de sorte à rester rapide. ###### Accélérer la démocratisation du codec AV1 sur des *trackers* comme nyaa ne peut être que bénéfique pour tout le monde. Ainsi, la populace pourra apprendre ce que c'est, son intérêt, comment l'utiliser efficacement,... Cela aidera cette même populace à comprendre où ce codec péche et doit être évité, mais aussi à reconnaître ses forces. *** **Contient :** une piste de sous-titres FR. Audio Japonais (inclus dans le .mkv) + Anglais + **VF** optionnels téléchargeables [ici](https://nyaa.si/view/1509674) dans des fichiers .mka séparés. Le détail vidéo et audio est plus haut. *** > **Pour la meilleure expérience sur PC ou appareil Android, utilisez de préférence [MPV](https://iamscum.wordpress.com/guides/videoplayback-guide/ "Guide d'installation de MPV") (aussi dispo sur le Play Store), ou MPC-HC avec le [K-Lite Codec Pack](http://www.codecguide.com/) (si votre pc est puissant), ou pourquoi pas [VLC](https://www.videolan.org/vlc/ "Site officiel de VLC")** [Liste détaillée de compatibilité](https://gist.github.com/trixoniisama/82158fc48f7edb0db8338779a997dad0 "long et chiant, je sais, mais nécessaire") **→ En gros, n'importe quel processeur 4 coeurs Intel 3ème génération, AMD Zen ou plus récent, n'importe quel 8 coeurs sorti après 2016 sur smartphone.** *** #### **Screenshots :** Screenshot 1 | Screenshot 2 | Screenshot 3 | Screenshot 4 :---:|:---:|:---:|:---: [![IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE](https://i.slow.pics/NO3pre2p.png)](https://i.slow.pics/NO3pre2p.png) | [![IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE](https://i.slow.pics/tBo2RccG.png)](https://i.slow.pics/tBo2RccG.png) | [![IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE](https://i.slow.pics/rEKVI3Jb.png)](https://i.slow.pics/rEKVI3Jb.png) | [![IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE](https://i.slow.pics/7e491aKY.png)](https://i.slow.pics/7e491aKY.png) If you encounter issues, have questions, or want to learn and contribute, join the [AV1 discord server](https://discord.gg/YEsZsgckMr "Please behave respectfully") ## **→ [More AV1 releases](https://nyaa.si/?f=0&c=0_0&q=AV1)**

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NekoTrix (uploader)

Yes, I'm releasing a 1080p AV1 encode ! The goal is to showcase what's possible to do currently in balancing size VS quality, while still being decently fast to encode. For those interested in it, the video got an average VMAF of 96.1 ! ### Optional audio files are available **[here](https://nyaa.si/view/1509674)** to download ! The 720p version is coming tomorrow.
650Mb for a 1080p movie. you know how to please my drives, uh :D
It's run length is a big help also :) Great show none the less. Thanks for the AV1.

NekoTrix (uploader)

Yeah, it being only one hour long is a big help indeed. Thanks to both of you.
Tysm for the optional audio.
500 MiB video track for a 1080p 60 minute movie, that's really impressive Trix. Congratulations.
Merci NekoTrix :)

NekoTrix (uploader)

Mais de rien :)
Seems like some fonts are missing? (Screenshot not mine) ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/838347656380022786/1111953381372731462/image.png)

NekoTrix (uploader)

Oof. I don't remember from where the subs are sourced... But I intend on re-releasing this movie one day, so it'll be fixed then...