Originally I had planned for this episode to be out before the end of February. But unexpected personal issues caused a delay on my end, which caused me to only begin working on the episode around February 28th. So I apologize for the delay. On the plus side, this episode should be a bit more accurate considering I now have someone to assist with the translation duties. So hopefully this should correspond to higher quality L&G WGP releases and beyond.
Having said that, enjoy this excellent episode!
Credit to SubRoro for the original subtitles,
SquareSubs for the style in addition to the intro and downscaled video source,
microkana for translation correction
and Sabera for Ending Credits translation.
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[logo]:https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/663729459873972258/950546698491551754/vlcsnap-2022-03-08-03h09m54s058.png "Photo 1"
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[logo2]: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/663729459873972258/950546720062857267/vlcsnap-2022-03-08-03h10m06s999.png "Photo 2"
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[logo3]: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/663729459873972258/950546750446374972/vlcsnap-2022-03-08-03h10m27s333.png "Photo 3"
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