Video was taken from NanDesuKa. Collaborated with Saint-subs he does the weekly translation. I made karaoke for op/ed and minor styling, ts etc. Enjoy xD
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Comments - 5
17:54 “still being looked after for.” -> "still being looked after."
21:13 “He is Hao’s servant who found him as a baby 16 years ago and raised him.” -> “He is Hao’s servant who was found as a baby 16 years ago and raised by him.” (otherwise it sounds like the servant is who found someone else)
22:27 (ED), the “I” is lowercase and should be capitalized
22:59 (ED) “things is in my heart” -> “things are in my heart” (or if it’s not supposed to be plural, then leave “is” and change “things” to “thing”)
For the part at 21:13, the servant is the one who found Hao, not the other way around.
So that part is definitely correct.
The block dude may look small, but he’s like 42.
Thank you!
Ah yeah, that makes sense now that you say it. I knew the dude was an adult, but I was thinking about Hao being hundreds of years old instead of thinking about the current body’s age probably.
Hope to see the new ep soon!