105 Anime Soundtracks - Zed
Thought I’d give you a file I’ve been adding to for a few years.
105 Anime Tracks - Very Varied. Some you will love, one you Definitely cannot possibly have :) & some will make you laugh. Many will bring you right back.
I compiled as WMA (my compatibility, size & sound pref). For your enjoyment/amusement :) Let me know if you enjoy & I’ll keep it fed.
Comments - 7
The Council will take a listen, await your judgement.
Dryvern (uploader)
TetsuotheIronman - S LMHO I - love it!! (Long as not my useless & liable council). :):):):) (PS. this up a spur, if really meant to present, I’d be cutting, lol). Best Comment!!
(Wow, from your uploads, you do love music :):) )
Um, to some degree this kind of sound quality takes me back to the youtube rips days, Everything is 128 kbp/s and sounds like it was fed through water damaged speakers and then recorded with a phone microphone. There is some good stuff in here but i dont really understand what this is, there’s stuff from Tron Legacy here, what? Well do what you have fun in, but this gets a pass from my side, sorry.
Dryvern (uploader)
Thank you, just a real comment I was looking for :) Did for a bit of fun rather than a serious quality (WMA suited my needs) Some are tube rips (if unavailable elsewhere) some are lossless believe or not - Great to point out the KBPS for me - new OS you seem to loose older better programs to convert, no excuse but something I can address for myself (I usually aim 192 kbps for my WMA (for Kenwood in car…& others/ compatibility. hence WMA).
Cheers for taking a min to say (I can let this one surf out). .
If I were to post in serious quality sources would have to be as close to lossless (& no beer, lol) Yet I do hope peeps can use as a guide for stuff they like or tracking down the odd lost one :) No need for sorry, you gave me what I asked for :Thanks )
my truck’s radio player still uses wma files even though it has been around for a long time very good contribution and don’t listen to those lols who sometimes think the world revolves around them
Dryvern (uploader)
surume - Cheers Apreciated - always found WMA has far more audio depth than MP3. From back into days of placing on disc so many more songs capacity too. :) Obvious how records made a solid comeback & Sometimes I do miss the dynamics of tape. Of course hardware changes, though not always for the better. I benefit from keeping top range hardware that still kicks ass. New definitions can get muddled as they sell new stuff (my mate is first to swap out for atmos :) Though most actual music seems 2 ch - there is a seat between… just what you prefer I guess. Though my hardware can blow 2 channel & DTS into amazing sound… even the WMA (godz may shudder when put through a phone app :) but as I say… each to their pref.). If it is not out there I will share & hope some can enjoy in some way :) & as I say others can use & others are always welcome to do better… thus all benefit. (That said there are a few tracks with old non optimal quality… as they are old, lol). I just love music & movies.
Dryvern (uploader)
Torrents been static awhile so I’m personally stopping seed to focus on main others. If anyone wishes it again, just leave a message (will check eventually :).
Hope brought some enjoyment :)