**Title:** Rewrite
**Original title:** リライト
**Length:** Very long
**Developer:** VisualArts/Key
**Publishers:** Sekai Project
The city of afforestation, Kazamatsuri.
In this city built upon the ideal coexistence of civilization and the environment, Tennouji Kotarou spends his days with his friends, Kanbe Kotori and Yoshino Haruhiko. In this peaceful city, a tumultuous event shakes the foundations of Kazamatsuri once a year.
The Harvest Festival. Within this immense scale event, Kotarou collects all sorts of information. There are always rumors about unidentified creatures and the occult.
At the same time, mysterious happenings keep befalling Kotarou. He takes up the offer to help Senri Akane, the club president of the Occult Research Society and begins an investigation that will end up involving his fellow classmates.
To Kotarou, this created a lively and adventurous feel. To be able to spend time with this energetic and boisterous group was just right for him.
But there's something Kotarou doesn’t know.
He has yet to learn that his adventure is connected to a journey towards the “truth” that no one else has discovered.
-Is it possible to rewrite fate? Her fate?-
First released in 2016, Rewrite+ features new content and several updates to the original Rewrite.
* **[Click here](https://github.com/jans0n/RewritePlusImprovementPatch/releases) to download a patch to restore the censored CGs, as well as an extra scene and fix some minor things. It also includes all the updates pushed by Sekai Project on the 23rd.** Credits to the patch go to jans0n.
This Steam version has 3 of the CGs swapped to ones on the Japanese PS4 version in order to abide Steam guidelines. An explanation is on the Rewrite project's kickstarter page, but as that's available only for backers to read, here's a link to SC which has screenshots; https://www.sankakucomplex.com/2021/12/20/visual-novel-rewrite-steam-edition-censors-spicier-scenes/
It shouldn't be too hard to patch I think?
Thanks. I'll see if this is better than the fan translation.
From what I read the bitches at Sekai heavily Americanized the script. If this is so, more reason I'll never support Sekai.
I suppose this has both Rewrite and Harvest Festival in one?
— direction and scenario improvements by Tanaka Romeo
— voices for every character (except MC) from PSP version
— new CGs + original CGs improved too
— revised Mappie system
— tachie for Inoue
>Uses a different translation than [r17029.](https://vndb.org/r17029)
>Some visual changes have been made to the release to satisfy Steam. These changes, redacting more fan-servicey moments, were taken from the original version of Rewrite.
Additionally, the Tweet function has been removed from this version of the game due to Twitter API changes.
>Translators include:
Conjueror, Steiner, Meru (Moon route), Sarah T (second half of Terra), John, David Evelyn ("one of the routes"), Michael
Editor: Alltears
QA Lead: Maria Kamille Chavez
QA: SSparks, Toma, Haerts, Nadia
Image Editor: hubb2001
Progammer: CaféLoli@Sharin-Sub
patch update: https://github.com/jans0n/RewritePlusImprovementPatch/releases
Harvest Festa is still being translated and is yet to be released by Sekai Project.
Localization choices aside, their translations are almost always pretty good, so I’d encourage you to support them, if only so we can have NEKOPARA 5. ;>
A Sekai lançou hoje um update que corrige vários bugs do lançamento, incluindo textos em japonês, palavras faltando, etc. Teria como você fazer o upload dessa nova versão?
Mais uma coisinha, o link que você colocou na descrição pra baixar o patch de melhorias está levando a baixar um arquivo vazio, você tem que direcionar o arquivo que está na aba [Releases](https://github.com/jans0n/RewritePlusImprovementPatch/releases) do GitHub.
O patch de melhorias já inclui as correções feitas pela Sekai, então ao aplicá-lo, você também estará aplicando as correções feitas por ela.
Agradeço por me avisar sobre o link. Eu já atualizei a descrição com o link certo.
I don't know why anyone would want to support Sekai Project when they release visual novels without proper testing, full of bugs etc and there are many they have released they have yet to fix (leyline1 is a good example, text issues they never fixed and they're working on the first sequel).
Their translations aren't that good either.
They should just disband already, they already have a very bad reputation.
I suppose we’ll have to agree to disagree then. I don’t know what comprises a good translation for you, but compared to other publishers, I like how they better adapt the dialogue for western audiences. Whereas MangaGamer moeges’ translations are often so literal they end up being bleak, shallow and boring, Sekai’s are more concerned with the meaning behind each line, which results in a richer and fluid read, just to cite an example. It should be a no-brainer which of the two makes for a better read, but everyone has their own preferences, and you’re entitled to like one better than the other.
As for bugs, is there a game that doesn’t get an update shortly after its release in this day and age? It’s not like they are game-breaking, and most people find out about bugs when they see their game has been updated automatically. Bigger studios release trainwrecks disguised as games and their mindless fans go so far as to nominate them for an award (and I’m referring to the Steam awards if you haven’t caught up on the game I’m talking about yet). I didn’t hear anyone saying they should disband and close up, did you?
And as far as Ley-Line is concerned, if you just use Locale Emulator or change your system’s locale, the text issues are as good as fixed. If you didn’t know, the translation of the two other titles have been completed for a while now, but they’ve been stuck on porting it to the engine. Sometimes the developers just don’t communicate well with the publishers, and things are left delayed or unresolved. I’m willing to bet it wasn’t so much that they didn’t want to fix the text problem, but that they didn’t know how to do it.
I always have my system locale set to Japanese (Locale Emulator is never needed), never fixed it, it's an issue with the visual novel not my locale settings.
You're right that the novel does have a problem, but that's beside the point. Locale fixed the problem for me, so I don't know why wouldn't it do the same for you. If only you had thought to try it instead of being this obtuse, then maybe you could've read it. Then again, it's just an alright novel. Well localized, but just average quality-wise, so it's not like you're missing anything.
The problem with Sekai Project overall isn't they're translations or general shit like that. It's about how fucking inept they are at everything else, especially management. The new to the market bullshit doesn't fly anymore as they've been working in the visual novel business for years now. Yet they still manage to mismanage shit so badly.
Rewrite+ has been on their list of currently worked on projects for several years now and this is what they deliver? The translation is fine albeit a bit too localized for my tastes. Only 30 minutes we already have some issues with certain characters displaying in Japanese instead of English and after playing through 3 routes it's definitely not a one-off thing. Not enough to ruin the game, but common enough to be clear oversight by QA. Not to mention all the script errors in the actual fucking textboxes and I don't mean script as translated text but like actual fucking pieces of code mixed with dialogue. I have never seen such a buggy fucking VN in my life and I know it's not just the game itself either as I've read the original so this is clearly a sign of how inept fucking Sekai Project are if this is what they produce after fucking 4 years of work. Yet despite this their website states they are currently working on 30 different projects. Like fuck if these retards actually took the time to properly QA their works everything would be alright. Yet these greedy fucks just grab any and every IP they can instead of assuring the quality of the projects they are already working on
Like Seriously?
https://i.imgur.com/vUwRIHV.png (literally can't finish the route cause of this)
Also "Whereas MangaGamer moeges’ translations are often so literal they end up being bleak, shallow and boring, Sekai’s are more concerned with the meaning behind each line, which results in a richer and fluid read, just to cite an example."
While I did say SP translations are ok, they definitely take way too many liberties at times. I'm someone who prefers readability over literal translations (this is why I hate web novel translations most of the time), but SP tends to overdo it. Like in Chihaya's route when asked by Kotarou about something she clearly says that "It's a secret", yet they translated it as "That's for me to know" which is still a valid translation but comes off more abrasive than the tone she is actually using. A lot more examples, but I kept be fucking bothered to nitpick every single one, but SP definitely is not as "cornered with the meaning behind each line" nor are they any more "richer and more fluid" to read than any other subpar translation. But yeah maybe if you are the type to enjoy meme scanlations for manga then SP is pretty good I guess. Also like a majority of their projects range from in-house translators to freelancers (and mostly freelancers since they lost so many workers) so this results in many of their projects having wildly varying styles of localization from overuse of honorifics to an absence of them. Or whether they use Hepburn or Kunrei-shiki. Even in this VN they can't decide after all they decided to opt for Sizuru instead of Shizuru so no Hepburn it seems like, but then we have Chihaya instead of Tihaya. You might say "Oh they simply wanted it to be easier to read at first glance for Westerners", but then why the fuck Sizuru? Who the fuck would think to read the "si" in it as "shi" without any exposure to the Japanese Langauge? Oh right, that's why we use Hepburn.
"You’re right that the novel does have a problem, but that’s beside the point. Locale fixed the problem for me, so I don’t know why wouldn’t it do the same for you. If only you had thought to try it instead of being this obtuse, then maybe you could’ve read it. Then again, it’s just an alright novel. Well localized, but just average quality-wise, so it’s not like you’re missing anything."
^Imagine coping this hard, YEAH BRO IT HAS A PROBLEM, BUT LIKE IT DOESN'T MATTER. Also setting your System Locale is the same as using a Locale Emulator dumbo. It's like saying you need to use some shit like CCleaner to uninstall a game off Steam when you can already do that normally.
I can't imagine shilling this hard for this trashy company. At one point they may have been one of the better official groups at the time trying to produce shit in the west, but other companies like Neko Nyan have come around and are at least a thousand times more competent than these fucks. Even better than other companies is to just learn Japanese itself and cut off these middlemen. If anything I'm glad SP has given me another reason to be even more motivated with my studies.
@HomemadeAntsyPuppet I already read Leyline 1 (which I've been re-reading and do find it to be very good, I enjoyed it more than you it seems) but I never gave SP any money for it since they don't deserve it at all.
I'll say it again: Locale Emulator is never necessary nor needed for anything, all you need is your Non-Unicode Language set to Japanese and you're set which does the same thing as using Locale Emulator.
Heh, if you guys hate Sekai this much, then what are you even doing here? You’re all free to give your money to whichever publisher you like, but if you’re so against their modus operandi, then if nothing else, be honest to yourselves and follow through on your personal boycott by not pirating their stuff either. You must realize what you look like when you come here of all places to complain about them, right?
Yes I know what I look like. It's called giving a fuck about games not receiving the highest quality release when it's in the hands of a bitch ass company like Sekai. You do know if you care about something YOU SAY SOMETHING. You don't let shit slide. If you voice your concern to them in places like Steam where they have icons to determine if you bought the game the likelihood of them listening is low unless the game is really in bad shape. If you don't got the icon you'll be ignored.
Companies only know one thing, $$$. It's stupid to think after paying for the game they'll give a shit overtime even worse to think giving them money will improve them.
They also horded many licenses, so the concept of options and choices is almost not there when it comes to visual novels and accept mediocrity even if its infested with bugs or completely move on to the next title. In the VN scene companies only got 1 shot to get it right since it's a niche genre and people may forget the title if the game needs fixing. So if the game is fucked everybody loses except sharers of course. Outside of learning Japanese of course.
So spare us the insinuation that hypocrisy is abound. The boycott is financially supporting them and your last comment is absurd and stupid. Some people hate NIS America but still get the share as there's no other choices to read in English.
Two folks already gave good reasons why Sekai are bitches. That should be enough. How do you just ignore their opinions on Sekai which would mean they'd have had played their other translated titles and to make such a ignorant ass comment as if they should feel ashamed of their opinion? Ridiculous.
A few titles that are good like Nekopara doesn't negate them as a whole.
Nekopara 5 will eventually be out. It's one of their cash cows. The only chance I'll support them is if they do Monobeno Happy End and that looks bleak.
Looks like there's an updated patch by Sekai
Funny you should say I’ve been ignoring other people’s opinions when no one here has made any attempt to understand any opinion other than their own. Otherwise, even though I clearly wrote “if you just use Locale Emulator **or** change your system’s locale,” they understood it as me saying you should do both.
Also, playing many games from a certain publisher, but saying that you “*never* gave SP any money for it since they don’t deserve it at all,” don’t you think that reasoning is the very definition of what a boycott is? Again, who’s not paying attention to the other’s opinions?
I never said you should suck it up when a publisher screws up, or that you should keep supporting them regardless of it in hopes that it makes things better, but instead that if you want to be heard by the people that really matter, i.e., the company or other players that have also bought the game and are well within their rights to complain about a product’s bad quality, there are better places than a pirating site. As a side note, those Steam forums sometimes are moderated by people who voluntary themselves to do so and not actual company employees. They’re the ones that choose what actually makes to the publisher and what’s ignored, and while I’m not sure that’s Sekai’s case, I know of a few small publishers on Steam that do exactly just that. From my experience, their Support has always been faster than any discussion I started there, so why don’t you give that a try and let them hear your complaints directly?
Choosing not to comment and trying to be as short and sweet as possible was my own attempt at politeness. I figured that’d be preferable than a long-winded rant, full of my prejudices and biases towards my own preferences, rude and offensive remarks, as well as my own interpretation of what the others are saying. Trying to have a discussion with someone that’s so absorbed in their own opinions is a fool’s errand.
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