The Files of Young Kindaichi - 001 - 63, 144-148 (subs only!)

2021-12-12 12:47 UTC
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747.3 KiB
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Final UPDATE I timed these subs to the following release: (ATTKC raws) I am posting these subs, so you can enjoy the better quality vids by ATTKC. I had a 2nd look at all of the subs. I added Introductions (mostly in the EPs 1 - 25) and added a few missing lines, that were not caught by OCR the first time. It won't get better than that - at least through my work. EP 142 - 148 would be called "beta" by [KL] I guess. I like the series, so I worked my way through those. Sources: 01 - 20 KNKF / KAW : method OCR, timed 21 - 29 KNKF / KAW: extracted Subs, timed 30 - 39 Doremi: extracted Subs, timed 40 - 59 ARR (external subs): fixed a few/some lines, some proof read, timed. 60 - 63 KnKF-KAW: extracted subs, timed 142 - 148 Animax rip: method OCR, timed Remark for 64 - 119 * timed the softsubs also Remark for 120 - 141 * KL softsubbed the Netflix raws, so these are already in best shape. Cheers to [KL] and your great work so far! Added #142 and #143 at the following URL. The complete set is now there:

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instable200 (uploader)

Just In case I also uploaded them here:
Amazing thanks alot
it'd have beeen nice if you could OCR Pocket Monsters subs by PM
Can you please OCR kindaichi drama 3 seasons?

instable200 (uploader)

@RyzakiT I do not like Pokemon that much, so I won't spend my time on those. kindaichi drama S3 : I could imagine doing that, I like Matsumoto Jun. I found 9 Eps on DramaCool and the torrent here on nyaa. 2 EPs have been done already.

instable200 (uploader)

I worked on Drama S3 EP5 and posted the result on d-addicts. Maybe it helped the guy, who works on softsubbing the series a little. I will see, if I can do 1 or 2 more. I will see how the discussion goes there.

instable200 (uploader)

Drama S3 EP5 is here: (d-addicts didn't work out for me). I guess that d-addicts will complete it somewhen, I am rather working on anime...
Many thanks for your efforts.
I found this subtitles on the internet. It might work for you.

instable200 (uploader)

[KL] used to my knowledge Kuno-DIY raws up to EP 119 (KL hard subbed them also up to 119). The softsubs you posted will work most likely with 120+ without need for adjustments. I remember having to adjust 69 - 75: there are 2 "empty" seconds in the ATTKC raws, I would guess they need to be shifted a little. I did some smaller adjustments also over the length of the episodes. I think they slowly "drift" otherwise. The softsubs for 64-68 are a good thing, thank you! I didn't have those yet. What I worked on so far between 64 and 141 is in this folder: All credits go to [KL} for those! 120+ just are extracted softsubs from their releases.
Hey, so I've been following your MEGA folder every day and downloading new subs, very thankful for those. But do you also have plans to upload the required fonts for those? Because if you just load them up like this without having the fonts installed it shows the default font, which makes the OP/ED karaoke look bad for example

instable200 (uploader)

hm, I think I see a problem with #114 and #115: those had lost the usual styles. I just reworked those and set appropriate styles. I do not see problems otherwise in Windows 10 here. Also it looks like the previously hardsubbed EPs to me.
Hey, a person on another torrent told me to ask here. I see your description says you did some editing on the ARR subs. Did you also do any touching up for the earlier episodes? Because I remember some of KL's translations being very bad (awkward phrasings, line usage, using weird made up terminology instead of what people actually say--for example the Thunder Festival episodes keep saying "thunder arrester" while describing lightning rods--and so on).

instable200 (uploader)

"lighting arrest" still can be found in EP 101. I could not fix those translation inaccuracies, as I am not very well versed in Japanese. I just wanted a set of softsubs timed for the currently best available raws. Shounen no Jikenbo (001-148) (Webrip).zip Japanese captions are above seperately if anyone needs them
Can you please OCR Black Jack and Phoenix subs?