30th Episode. Apologies for taking a while on this one, work commitments got in the way, will try to have 31 out within weeks.
Credit to SubRoro for the original subtitles,
SquareSubs for the style in addition to the intro and downscaled video source,
and Sabera for Ending Credits translation.
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[logo]:https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/663729459873972258/903722957044580422/vlcsnap-2021-10-29-22h11m18s227.png "Photo 1"
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[logo2]: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/663729459873972258/903722957380149268/vlcsnap-2021-10-29-22h11m26s420.png "Photo 2"
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[logo3]: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/663729459873972258/903722980473978890/vlcsnap-2021-10-29-22h11m56s801.png "Photo 3"
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