[Cait-Sidhe] Princess Principal v2 [BD 1080p][HEVC][OPUS]

2021-09-07 20:00 UTC
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File size:
11.8 GiB
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Summary from MAL: “In the early 20th century, the discovery of the substance Cavorite allowed the production of advanced military technology and steered the country toward conflict. London is now divided by a wall, and the Kingdom and the Commonwealth of Albion battle a silent war where espionage is the only weapon that can destabilize the enemy. A group of girls from the prestigious Queen’s Mayfaire school work as undercover spies for the Commonwealth. Led by Dorothy, an experienced driver with a striking personality, their group includes the talents of Ange Lucare, a cold-blooded liar and expert sharpshooter; Chise, a proficient samurai; and Beatrice, a voice-mimicking specialist. They use their unique individual skills for the Commonwealth to survive in a dark world filled with conspiracy, mystery, and infiltration. In the shadow of the war, they have only one goal in mind: completing their mission.” * * * * Here is a series I have been wanting to give a more thorough fansubbed release in English now for a long, long time. With excellent animation and art, an incredible OST and interesting character interaction, it quickly became a series I have watched more than a couple of times! That being said, this release was absolutely plagued with all sorts of problems at the end. It really was one thing after another, whether it was RL or files suddenly corrupting out of the blue, servers mysteriously slowing down to a crawl, or any number of weird things. I’ve never had such a rough time as this one getting it out the door. *To add, somehow a brief moment of video corruption snuck into the initial release, necessitating a v2! For those who have already downloaded v1 of the torrent the first 11 eps are exactly the same, you will only need to re-download episode 12. Many apologies for the oversight on my part....* There have been other BD releases of this interesting little series in English before now, but none of them seem to have ever gotten a tlc pass. It turns out it was definitely needed, as the original simulcast tl was … moody and hiccup’y for lack of a better word. We also decided to sprinkle a few British spellings here and there as well, just to make things a little more “immersive” since it takes place in a fictional England (we liked adding them for whatever other reason XD). We have borrowed a few things from the better of previous releases: mainly from Astral’s and Kametsu’s. Kudos to them both for their efforts! Aside from a much needed tlc pass, the series also has a brand new encode, a new timing pass and some kfx work given to it. The series only has one track, and it is without honorifics as per the tlc’s preference for the series. * * * * For those who are interested in checking out the BD Picture Drama specials, you should look for Supai’s release: https://nyaa.si/view/1014986 There are also 6 movies scheduled for release, and the first of it has appeared already. If you enjoy the series consider giving them a watch! * * * * Here is the staff for the series: Encoding: Louis TL: Sentai TLC: Kumo8 Insert Song TL: lyrical-nonsense Kfx: OP: Colgatto, Inserts and ED: Flower Editing: Flower Timing: Yogicat QC: Bunny, Flower Distro: Tabaha, Zumochi, Zohead Borrowed some styling and ts from Astral’s and Kametsu’s releases Note that we try to create the releases optimized for mpv - other players may give odd playback results.

File list

  • [Cait-Sidhe] Princess Principal v2 [BD 1080p][HEVC][OPUS]
    • [Cait-Sidhe] Princess Principal - 01 [BD 1080p][HEVC][OPUS][3C62DB97].mkv (1.2 GiB)
    • [Cait-Sidhe] Princess Principal - 02 [BD 1080p][HEVC][OPUS][9F28770A].mkv (920.8 MiB)
    • [Cait-Sidhe] Princess Principal - 03 [BD 1080p][HEVC][OPUS][2980A737].mkv (1.1 GiB)
    • [Cait-Sidhe] Princess Principal - 04 [BD 1080p][HEVC][OPUS][91E9FC35].mkv (1.0 GiB)
    • [Cait-Sidhe] Princess Principal - 05 [BD 1080p][HEVC][OPUS][D782ABAA].mkv (963.5 MiB)
    • [Cait-Sidhe] Princess Principal - 06 [BD 1080p][HEVC][OPUS][18A382F1].mkv (906.4 MiB)
    • [Cait-Sidhe] Princess Principal - 07 [BD 1080p][HEVC][OPUS][2E4E5582].mkv (878.2 MiB)
    • [Cait-Sidhe] Princess Principal - 08 [BD 1080p][HEVC][OPUS][5780DB3F].mkv (801.1 MiB)
    • [Cait-Sidhe] Princess Principal - 09 [BD 1080p][HEVC][OPUS][6E68CA24].mkv (1.0 GiB)
    • [Cait-Sidhe] Princess Principal - 10 [BD 1080p][HEVC][OPUS][EA7960F4].mkv (1.1 GiB)
    • [Cait-Sidhe] Princess Principal - 11 [BD 1080p][HEVC][OPUS][A69CBFA8].mkv (873.3 MiB)
    • [Cait-Sidhe] Princess Principal - 12v2 [BD 1080p][HEVC][OPUS][E48FAEA8].mkv (873.3 MiB)
    • [Cait-Sidhe] Princess Principal NCED [BD 1080p][HEVC][OPUS][0FE603A7].mkv (167.6 MiB)
    • [Cait-Sidhe] Princess Principal NCOP [BD 1080p][HEVC][OPUS][F63ABF8E].mkv (100.5 MiB)
What about the other video artifacts in earlier episodes or concerns with subtitle changes / typos? You just nuked my long feedback from the other release.

Cait-Sidhe (uploader)

1. Unfortunately that is the way nyaa works. When you get rid of older torrents everything is removed. 2. As for concerns and the rest - apologies, I did not read any of them. I don't often read nyaa comments. I only fixed the video b/c it was something I came across, and on consulting with some others it was decided to do a v2 release. However, if you do have encoding know-how and qc abilities to contribute in general to the fansubbing process then by all means you are welcome to join fansubbing discords and work alongside everyone else (if you are not already there, of course). There are plenty of people who would love to work with folks willing to spend their time helping with the hobby! (Including me.)
you can just hide torrents instead of deleting them, you know
>TL: CR Can't even get this right. It's Sentai Filmworks, you dumb fuck.

Cait-Sidhe (uploader)

@herkz and @kamiyan93 Thanks!
I'll try to reconstruct my comment but bit hard going off memory from another day ago. I was wondering why your TLC decided to omit / simplify translations for certain phrases. Such as at 06:13 ep 5 with regards to hyakunin-giri. There are a handful of instances where the "translation" of what is said is now missing or much simpler compared to the base script used. There's also some typos such as at 13:42 ep 5, carraige instead of carriage. I only checked a handful of episodes and did like some of the rewritten phrasing / grammar more than Kametsu (blad761), but some of the changes made don't give a lot of confidence and typos leave a lot to be desired. For example 14:18 ep 5, if you know Japanese, this was changed for the worse imo. You also hear "zero", but the subs say three. The encode has a lot of small artifacts all over the place. Such as this in episode 3 (from bbmod?). ![link](https://i.imgur.com/nyDNTpX.png) https://slow.pics/c/COwHXAas There's also the appearance of what looks like over-sharpened areas (from clamped sraa?) such as the car in this comparison from episode 3. https://slow.pics/c/iV4xwy3E Some still frames do look better than Beatrice, but it's hit and miss with flaws / artifacts throughout. It's hard to say it's definitively better than Beatrice, not taking into account in motion. Some say in motion, the encode looks horrible. Some more comparisons here from another person. https://slow.pics/c/KEkyxara > Opus for archiving 🥴
how is it possible to have typos with two QC's. v3 when?
do people literally not use the spellcheck built into aegisub just curious because that's something i always do right at the end of subbing an episode
spellcheck is for wimps
lmao mabby is fckin ai
Seriously, what is wrong with the TLC or editor who worked on this? I decided to check another episode randomly for fun and in the first 14 seconds of episode 10, "Sugoi" is replaced with "It's so quiet..." ?? It doesn't even make sense in the context of the scene since Ange just shot her pistol and hit the target directly in the center. The more I look at the script changes, the more I find the subtitle edits to be awful and done for the worse. Even Sentai's PGS subs didn't make that simple fuck-up and it isn't in blad761's script either. I don't even care at this point if some phrasing could be considered better. Unless someone wants to take the OP/ED and cross-check certain lines with Kametsu, I do not trust the edits done here and would just recommend the other release. I can't be bothered to look at and check these subs any more.
So should I be getting this or the Kametsu version?
I agree-spell checking subs is a pain in the butt. I did a version of this series for my own use taking the video from the japanese blurays, english audio from the Sentai bluray set (no japanese audio) and modified s & s and full subs. I'd upload it but 60 gigs is too much for a 40 mbs dsl connection to handle.
Mabby wasn't kidding, wow a lot of the edits are just outright wrong. There are several in episode 5 alone that make me wonder if they even watched the episode and/or listened to the dialogue. Fixing this is gonna be a lot of work.