Itadori Yuuji is an average, if somewhat dim teenager, with surprising physical strength. But he’s a very kind individual who would go out of his way to help someone. So when his friends are attacked by evil monsters one night, he jumps in to save them. He’s seen by Fushiguro Megumi, a young exorcist who warns him that inside his school is an immensely evil relic: a finger of Sukuna. Sukuna was the most powerful and most evil man to have ever lived, and even just a finger of his body holds incredible. Unfortunately, during the following battle, Yuuji ends up swallowing the cursed finger, letting the spirit of Sukuna possess him. So now Sukuna is free to slaughter to his hearts content. Or at lest he would be, if he could actually possess Yuuji for more then a few minutes. Turns out for some reason Yuuji’s soul will not allow Sukuna to take over.
One of the new power-houses in shounen manga, Jujutsu Kaisen made its name by having absolutely fantastic animation (thank you, MAPPA slaves). The story is not that great, but it kind of makes up for it by removing some of the bullshit most shounen manga have. There’s no power of friendship. Explaining how your powers work to your enemy has an actual benefit, despite the risk. Also, none of that “We must fight the evil monsters 1-on-1!” crap here. It’s fitting that this series is in Shounen Jump, because the monsters are getting jumped on every occasion. If there’s 2 good guys and 1 bad guy, the bag guy’s getting tag-teamed. In fact, I don’t consider anyone an actual threat in JJK unless they got jumped once. The powers are pretty interesting. Except for, unfortunately, Yuuji. His power is hitting really hard. That’s it. Yeah, a problem with this series is that the side characters are far more interesting then the main character.
A big thanks to Lupin and Shei98 for the BDMVs. Subtitles from SubsPlease.
Comments - 17
Finally huh
Is this anime really that good or what?
DmonHiro (uploader)
I would say it’s very entertaining and delivers really good fights, with great animation. The soundtrack is pretty good too. But the story is nothing special, there’s not much character development, and it doesn’t really have an end goal. But if you want to see some awesome fights, this is the show for you.
lovely release as always , thanks DmonHiro
For the sub, I think Kaizoku sub would be a better option than SubsPlease
MAPPA did a great job in this anime , specially in the fighting scenes, which gives high expectations for chainsaw man… at least that’s what I hope XD
dmonhiro never chooses the good subs, he goes for retail 99.9% of the time, even when a better option is available.
DmonHiro (uploader)
I in fact check to see which are the absolute worse subs, and go out of my way to use them.
No, not really. I have a simple rule: The subs I watched are the subs I use. If the subs were good enough for me, that’s what I’m sticking with.
thanks as always
yo dmon were you at comiccon two days ago :trollorange:
Glitch at episode 2, 22:10:
DmonHiro (uploader)
Yeah, I’m going to stop encoding/releasing until I figure out what’s causing the encoding errors. See you in 5 years.
Thanks for this :)
I don’t know if you heard about this, but it seems Japan has announced a NEW Inuyasha BD TV set in 16:9!!!
I do not know if you can still stomach more Inuyasha. Just know that the JPN BD’s are finally confirmed :)
DmonHiro (uploader)
Depends on if they are going to be cropped to 16;9 or not. If they are, then I’m not interested.
The fact that they say the OP/ED will remain 4:3 gives me hope that they aren’t cropped, but I’ll wait and see.
Hey! LowPowerRaws uploaded a rare Anime in BD called “Jigoku Sensei Nube” or “Hell Teacher Nube” which you did last year on DVD.
Maybe look into doing the BD’s sometime :)
Appreciate this!!
Forgot the link (I know, but it’s the only one available right now.).
Thanks very much.