Video was taken from GST. Collaborated with Saint-subs he does the weekly translation. I made karaoke for op/ed and minor styling, ts etc. Enjoy xD
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Comments - 1
Gonna just do simpler corrections for the rest of the episodes because noting every missing period took me like an hour per episode.
03:50 “You’re better not out for revenge.” -> "You’d better not be out for revenge."
03:54 “If I could bring my beloved Eliza” -> "If I could bring back my beloved Eliza"
05:23 “I’m sorry for him.” sounds a bit weird, maybe “I feel sorry for him.” would be better
12:54 “Guardian Spirits allows” -> “Guardian Spirits allowed” (on the sign)
12:59 “enage” -> “engage” (on the sign)
13:13 “help of interfere” -> "help or interfere"
15:03 “Wh-where” -> “W-we’re”
I wonder why there were no comments here for this episode.