OK, I got fed up waiting & as S3 has finished I have decided to upload my webrips. For those who love this series as dearly as I (since Monkey, lol).
Anyhoos - I am not satisfied & ask is anyone has complete subs in Eng for episode 6 Please upload vid or text. Yep I’m afraid Ep6 is only subbed for part intro (you can get the gist though from these short episodes). My only other gripe after battling through many dire sources for many episodes & annoying re, re, re editing is the sound gap/off on ep 16 (3.22-3.30 & 4.12-4.22) the 8 & 10 secs are subbed thankfully.
For those who wish to catch up… this is yours :)
As ever I try to hit a 1080p source in full screen but unfortunately at times the 720 or letterbox is only available. I also defer to the better subs if poss. If you have better then please upload so I can watch :)
If I can fix my grievances & no one else does I will replace with V2.
Enjoy & say Hi.
Comments - 5
please seed,cannot download stuck at 89.9%
Dryvern (uploader)
Still seeding, noticed some seed drop off in last week. Hope sorted. Let me know if still a problem :)
Bro Dryvern, can you send me subtitle for Second Season of The Westward? I searched everywhere but i can’t find nothing. There is one by KurinaOfficial but i can’t open subtitles. All the episodes has hardsub. Please! I need this subtitle for the second season. I made first season and i need to continue it with season 2 (language that i want to translate: romanian). Send subs to jakelan50@yahoo.ro if you want. Please!
Dryvern (uploader)
Hi xXKaLyps0Xx first apologies for delay in reply (should check in sooner). More sorry to say that I do not have subs for S2 (as still with S3 ep6… grrr). I take what is available & get frustrated as all when not available (just some series never see a proper worthwhile release sadly). I do not mind tackling subs as sometimes works out that way from source, just takes some editing especially re timing. All I can say is I will keep my eye out for S2 subs, as I still search for subs on S3 ep6.
Sorry I cannot be of more help.
Dryvern (uploader)
Seeing as Sauron has brought out the full kurina release now I will be stopping my seed (there are still 5 at mo :).
EP 6 & 16 therefore now have subs/play better & the upload is good. If you request here I can easily re-up anytime but suggest you go for the improved season (has S2 as well) which can be found here:
Thanks all!! :):) Here’s hoping S4 will not take too long… big Wu Kong fan! :)