Video: Yousei-raws
Subs: AllHailExcalibur, Coalgirls
Yousei-raws’ 720p BD release utilized the USBD. I used AllHailExcalibur’s subtitles but did not care for his OP/ED style and so, swapped it out for Coalgirls. Made fixes to various writing errors, like capitalizing and spacing, for some signs. Removed TL notes that weren’t actually TL notes but rather comments on the scene from the typesetter. Replaced Excalibur’s translation of Maka’s “I don’t care” scene for episode 51 with Coalgirls. TL notes even claims it isn’t a proper translation so, I decided to go with Coalgirls.
Video: .mkv, x264 8-bit
Audio Track 1 (Default): English 5.1 FLAC
Audio Track 2: Japanese 2.0 FLAC
Subtitle Track 1 (Default): English Signs & Songs (.ASS)
Subtitle Track 2: English Dialogue (.ASS)
Comments - 21
wtf nice memesubs
NeutralHatred (uploader)
Random "LMFAO"s during a comedic scene makes it feel like I’m watching a sitcom and the “laugh” sign just lit up.
It’ll be up on Nandato shortly.
NeutralHatred (uploader)
You must not have used FLAC audio. My ENG tracks alone are over 200MBs and those files sizes are roughly the same as Yousei solo.
You know what else you never released Edge? Gintama ep 30…
@NH yes as it states its only yousei+ coal
@mabby furk u
uh so does this mean this release has been stripped of credits that list who worked on the episode?
NeutralHatred (uploader)
I think you’re asking if this is a no credits OP/ED release? No, AllHailExcalibur’s video had that. Yousei did not do that.
Brakouuu ☆Star
I was just about to add subs to yousei-raws, saved my some time. Thanks NH!
dld a couple of episodes .
it does indeed strip the episodes of credits for who worked on it
its not just the problem of forced chapters english credits are awful, theyre incomplete here
NeutralHatred (uploader)
I have no idea what you’re talking about now.
@NeutralHatred I can only assume he’s mad because it doesn’t have the original Japanese credits? I don’t think there’s a proper full release sourced from the JP BD as they came out later IIRC.
JPBD was shitty Q-Tec. Yousei opted to encode USBD back in the day cause JPBD was worse quality.
Oh really? I’ve actually never seen the Japanese BD, so I just naturally assumed it was better. Good to know.
1GB per episode? Very unusual for a 720p release.
I am very tempted to replace my TCL release with this, but 60GB …
NeutralHatred (uploader)
720p releases generally doesn’t have 5.1 FLAC audio. It is usually AAC because the FLAC is used for a 1080p release. Since this show is native 540p, 720p is already an upscale so a 1080p was not going to happen.
Can you upload the scripts only? thanks!
Can you please upload Subtitles only!?😊
Thanks and seed!