Appearing in 2006 from a short deal between Cartoon Network and TOEI Animation, this is a Japanese take on the Powerpuff Girls cartoon series. Many things were changed. This is a very lighthearted magical girl/super sentai series. However, unlike the terrible 2016 reboot and the ABYSMAL live action series coming up, this one treats the source with respect. Because of the reboot, this show is seen in much better light then when it aired. Yes, many things were changed, but there are also many things taken from the original. Unlike the original though, there are no battles here. This was very much intended for children. So yeah, check it out if you want. Sadly, this does not have any subtitles, as the only available subtitled version is hardsubbed. Oh, and clean OP/ED were not on the discs.
Comments - 5
Thanks for the raws!!!
DmonHiro (uploader)
You’raw welcome.!
Nice, thanks!
There’s a Powerpuff Girl Anime?
DmonHiro (uploader)
Passed 1TB of uploading this. Not bad.