*If you downloaded this before 05/08/2021, don't waste time redownloading everything again, use this patch. Alternatively you can also add a +250ms delay to the fansub tracks on these episodes.
- Region A/1 Japanese Blu-rays (Uncensored)
- Japanese (JP Blu-ray) [PCM]
- English (US Blu-ray) [DTS-HD MA]
- English (inid4c + SFX) [ASS]
- English (Some-Stuffs + SFX) [ASS]
- English (inid4c) [ASS]
- English (JP Blu-ray) [PGS]
- English (US Blu-ray) [PGS]
- English (US Blu-ray) (Sings & Songs) [PGS]
All subtitles are for 𝐉𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐨!
- Episode # Part A ⟶ Opening ⟶ Episode # Part B ⟶ Episode # Part C ⟶ Ending ⟶ Episode # Preview
- Go to Season 02 / Season 03 / Season 04
- US Blu-ray has been synced by me.
- Season 05 (Part 06) after the Japanese BD is released, a V2 of it will be made when the US BD releases.
- Subtitles provided by inid4c are not the same as the ones in his Nyaa uploads, they are a updated version provided by inid4c (calling it V3 for simplicity sake). Here is the info they had.
Credits to:
- Some-Stuffs (Awesome fansubs)
- inid4c (Editing, correcting, and adding amazing motion tracked SFX subtitles)
Help out by seeding!
Comments - 22
Can we have a patch for the episodes that need it?
And DDL for all seasons so we can help on seeding
D4C (uploader)
@Marche Not sure what you mean by a patch? All episodes on this release are good. The asterisk at the top is for an old version I posted a couple days ago, but that release is hidden so that no one gets confused. If someone has the old version the only change is the delay of the fansubs. I’ll add DDL links in the future, thought it was better to forfeit ddl links for now so that people could download right now rather than a week to have all episodes uploaded and then releasing. Just keep seeding when your download completes it still helps out a ton.
Patches are files that convert episodes from v1 to v2 with small sizes for people who downloaded the previous version, instead of redownloading the fixed episodes, I downloaded the previous version, that’s why.
D4C (uploader)
@Marche Oh, yea of course. Have not done it before, but it looks simple enough. Is this done with xdelta usually? I’ll get on it right away.
Patch will be small size only if changes were made to ass or metadata. Others will typically give big sizes. D4C, you can use this, https://github.com/Moodkiller/xdelta3-gui-2.0/releases.
D4C (uploader)
@sameer Thank you, just tried it right now. Episode 002’s patch is 126 KB, I’ll upload the patches and add them to the description here as soon as all are done.
Thank you very much, make sure that it comes with the bat file for easier patching please.
Btw, can you reseed the older hidden torrent? Apparently it hasn’t finished for me and stuck at 94% , so the patches won’t work if I don’t have the full episodes downloaded.
D4C (uploader)
@Marche Patches are up, it’s a zip with everything needed for Windows, Linux, and Mac users (2.56 MB). Sorry for the wait on the patches, had something come up. No worries I’ll keep seeding the old version until the current peers finish.
@D4C Thank you very much!
@D4C I’m at 98% with the old torrent, I hope you didn’t stop seeding it :(
D4C (uploader)
@Marche I had because the numbers of peers had gone down from 20 to something like 5 so I assumed everyone had finished. Started seeding it again, guess I’ll leave it until it dies lol. .
@D4C I’ll tell you as soon as I’m done, thank you.
@D4C i’ll let you know when i’m done so that I keep seeding
I give up trying to download the last 2% from there, and I don’t want to keep you seeding an inferior one, I will patch what I can and swap here.
@D4C please seed the other season 2 torrent
D4C (uploader)
@moonship All seasons are being seeded for the foreseeable future.
@D4C can you please make a sign & songs for inid4c
Could you please add JoJo or Commie subs with SFX?
All subtitles aren’t for Japanese audio, though. The Signs/Songs track is for English audio.
This needs the addition of a Sings & Songs track made from inid4c and QC’d JoJo subs. I’ll make a release in around a month or so.