Encoded the series Panty & Stocking With Garterbelt into high quality MKV h.264 format with English, and Japanese audio, along with English Subtitles as well.
I used the Japanese Blu-Rays for the video source.
Since this Panty & Stocking series is a fairly low detail anime to begin with, and it is a bit filthy looking, I have decided to make a second 1080p release, but with some DNR applied.
It doesn't appear like there is much detail to lose to begin with, so the bit of DNR isn't really ruining too much. It's still better than the source material looks in my opinion.
Normally I wouldn't do this, but this animation style is practically low detail 2D, except one half of a single episode, and it's rather filthy looking.
**If you don't want that, then just stick with the original 1080p release.**
Source vs Encode comparison (Flip through with keyboard arrows or mouse click)
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This is the only good 1080p video in all of nyaa for this show. Every other 1080p release is a complete blurry mess, as this show was clearly produced in 720p and the thick line art doesn't help in regards to upscaling that. If you don't like this video, then you should forget about 1080p altogether and just get any 720p release.
As an ESL, I can't really enjoy the english dub because I'm not able to properly hear like 10% of the sentences and apparently there are no dubtitles available anywhere... so I'll have to stick to the japanese version. I just wish this had the underwater subs instead of the official ones but I can easily mux them myself so it's no biggie.
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