Title: JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure) (Seasons 1-4 + OVAs)
HEVC 10bit SoftSubbed - 1080p
Encoded by Judas Team & Re-muxed by Baka (me)
Source - Link
Sub-Source: BDMV
Audio: Japanese
Subtitles: English(Some-Stuffs) - English [Full-Signs/Songs] (PGS) - French - German - Italian - Spanish[ESP-LAT] - Brazilian Portuguese - Russian - Arabic
Note -
Note - S1-S3 from USBD, S4 from JPBD. uncensored english subs and CR’s multisubs. For the OVAs raw DVDs and kuchikirukia, differently from the rest of the batch they only have english subs and a resolution of 480p.
I can’t keep the Laptop/PC always on so seed after download.
Comments - 11
hevc?? no thanks
almost 2gb difference in size between this and the original one, also did you fix the font issue present in the source?
AnimeXHEVC (uploader)
@11night For the other I released shows I already watched.
but for jojo I didn’t fixed the font bcz I didn’t watched jojo yet.
So I didn’t know what was the problem
here are some fast solution I found in comments
" For future reference (unless Judas-kun updates it), season 3 is missing the main dialogue font.
Easiest way to fix yourself is to just download it and install Impress BT it in your system e.g. from here https://freefontsdownload.net/free-impress_bt-font-74748.htm
If you don’t, the dialogue font will fallback to whatever default your player uses and it’s not the end of the world but the custom font is better. "
FOR upcoming releases I’ll upload only shows which I watched bcz I can know the problem and fix them.
btw sorry for the inconvenience.
@AnimeXHEVC no problem, appreciate your efforts :)
@AnimeXHEVC quick question friend, people say that judas release has the name of the characters censored. are they the same with this one?
AnimeXHEVC (uploader)
@Rodark it’s same as Judas…
will upload with better sub… but not soon…
You can help people by giving the link of better subtitle if possible.
@AnimeXHEVC What does Rodark mean with characters name being censored?. Also would you please give me an example of what you have remove from Judas release except setting default sub to Eng & Eng Dub, in addition is there better sub?
Episode 3 of the 1993 OVA glitches out at 29:54
need seed plz :(
Bro no