Makoto Shinkai Movie Collection (2002-2019) BD.1080p.x264.Tri-Audio&Subs.Ita.Eng.Jap V3

2021-02-24 20:52
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File size:
51.7 GiB
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The Voice Of The Distant Star (2002) RH
The Place Promised in Our Early Days (2004) Mozzi2
5 Centimeters Per Second (2007) [Moozzi2]
Children Who Chase Lost Voices (2011) Thora
The Garden of Words (2013) SvM-RAW
Your Name (2016) [Moozzi2]
Weathering with You (2019) [Moozzi2]

Audio- [Stress]
Collecting the best available sources around the internet and packing them up in one batch.
This is best video quality with Flac Audio so to keep the size compact, special thanks for the guys up here, where i took the videos and audios.

If you really like my work support me and leave a comment .

File list

  • Makoto Shinkai Movie Collection Collection (2002-2019) BD.1080p.x264.Tri-Audio.Ita.Eng.Jap V3
    • 5 Centimeters Per Second (2007) BD.1080p.x264.Tri-Audio.Ita.Eng.Jap V3 [Rady].mkv (3.2 GiB)
    • Children Who Chase Lost Voices (2011) BD.1080p.x264.Tri-Audio.Ita.Eng.Jap V3 [Rady].mkv (8.8 GiB)
    • The Garden of Words (2013) BD.1080p.x264.Tri-Audio.Ita.Eng.Jap V2 [Rady].mkv (4.3 GiB)
    • The Place Promised in Our Early Days (2004) BD.1080p.x264.Tri-Audio.Ita.Eng.Jap V3 [Rady].mkv (10.4 GiB)
    • The Voice Of The Distant Star (2002) BD.1080p.x264.Tri-Audio.Ita.Eng.Jap V3 [Rady].mkv (1.3 GiB)
    • Weathering with You (2019) BD.1080p.x265.Tri-Audio.Ita.Eng.Jap V3 [Rady].mkv (13.1 GiB)
    • Your Name (2016) BD.1080p.x264.Tri-Audio.Ita.Eng.Jap V3 [Rady].mkv (10.7 GiB)

the best available sources
This is best video quality


radydragoon (uploader)


@yeah same for me, i hope everyone enjoy it ?


you didn’t just waste your time in making this and also waste your experience with watching Moozzi2

radydragoon (uploader)


@Aryma i don’t care what you think, if you don’t like it just go elsewhere.

you should care because my opinion is superior and you have trash taste and visual problems if you think Moozzi2 is best available sources around the internet

Nice, Continuous seeds if allowed or direct links in Mega, I have a problem here
because there are not enough seeds I can not download please help.

radydragoon (uploader)


@Aryma Well about your opinion i dont really care and second go buy new glasses ? cause if you minimum understand anything you will notice the video filter that Mozzi2 use make the picture more clear then the original one, specialty when you watch in tv.
@Bleach sorry bro i will not be seeding for the moment (Pc issues) but there is already one seeding i think.

I see so Mozzi2 filter video make new details in the video that the studio didn’t include and maybe authors didn’t even think about it

radydragoon (uploader)


@Manuuuuuuu @Aryma really 2 losers witch have nothing to do in life, only breaking the balls to others… go make ur own life, and let the other do what they think is good for them.

@radydragoon nothing to insult but you probably see wrong.
It’s like saying divx is better than x264, it doesn’t make any sense.
If you rip some dvd or bdvm you’ll understand the difference between an overfiltered, planed and super sharp rip and a rip treated with kid gloves. it’s not hate, it’s just common sense.
it’s your problem of understanding the text, right now you’re reading crap equals good.
If you go to any forum (like doom9) and ask for something like this they will mow you down instantly. because there are kami-samas who create filters for avs and vs (so they have an uncommon understanding of the image) and model this thought into programming. take a good look at yourself. bye bye

ti conviene ascoltare i consigli che ti sono stati dati e non difendere l’indifendibile, anche perché la tua esperienza si fa in meno di un pomeriggio.
moozzi produce aborti per cerebrolesi ed è pubblicamente riconosciuto come uno dei peggiori cani in circolazione.

detto questo, se vuoi comunque continuare a fare il sordo, poco male, il buon cuore della gente si limita ai primi post, poi sarai semplicemente ignorato.

radydragoon (uploader)


@NiTr0gLiTcH Purtroppo e vero ho poca esperienza al riguardo, e tutto quello che ho imparato l’ho imparato da solo e ho voluto rinforzare la comunità ITA cercando di postare delle cose ritenute ottime, soltanto che come dici tu con poca esperienza e poi andare a vedere un paragone di immagini quelle di Moozzi2 a primo impatto sembrano leggermente meglio ma non pensavo in realtà non lo fossero…se hai discord aggiungimi li magari ne possiamo parlare meglio Rady#7250

tranquillo, nessuno qui ha avuto la fortuna di trovare un proprio mentore, chiunque sia cresciuto lo ha fatto con una bella scorpacciata di insulti

radydragoon (uploader)


Please seed! Thank you!