Video: Beatrice-Raws
Subs: Doki
Technically, this is WSE’s release. They muxed together Beatrice-Raws video with the subs from our LY release, which was Doki. Why they gave us credit is beyond me. I transcoded the TrueHD to FLAC, mostly for consistency, and fixed nearly all the signs in every episode. Most were off by a frame or two while some off by several. Also resampled the subs for 1080p video as the subs were originally a 720p WEB release.
Audio Track 1 (Default): English 5.1 FLAC
Audio Track 2: Japanese 2.0 FLAC
Subtitle Track 1 (Default): English Signs & Songs (.ASS)
Subtitle Track 2: English Dialogue (.ASS)
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