@D44 Hi man. You probs are like me - enjoying the hell outta the greats like hunter x hunter, death note, code geass etc.. And then there are anime like this. I enjoyed high school DxD, even tho its nowhere near what Id call a great anime. This is way below even that. Its that stupid. There are thousands of anime like this. Im starting to believe a conspiracy, that the Japanese govt supports this and pays random anime studios millions of yen to make anime that make you think less and be horny more to want to have sex and make children XDDDDDDD
....but yeah, dont search for something special here, just old 10000x overused generic humour
[@excaliburzone](https://nyaa.si/user/excaliburzone) If it's even dumber than Highschool DxD then it's not a good sign. Thanks for the heads-up, I guess I'll pass.
I assume anime like is targeted to horny teens or something. Funny conspiracy though. :grinning:
>Im starting to believe a conspiracy, that the Japanese govt supports this and pays random anime studios millions of yen to make anime that make you think less and be horny more to want to have sex and make children XDDDDDDD
@excaliburzone this anime isn't intent for horny teens this anime inteads for adults you think everyone watching pornhub are teens ? also hunter x hunter was crap ant arc was way to fucking boring if you want something good go watch ghost in the stupid fucking dipshit
@D44 Actually it's the other way around. I found DxD much more on the silly side. Mainly because the protagonist of Testatment is more serious. Also, unlike Issei, he doesn't talk about lewding - he is actively doing it (the Virgin Issei and Chad Basara meme is there for a reason). But yeah, it's similar to DxD - it's the same genre after all (supernatural, battle, harem, ecchi).
So people, if you didn't like DxD, then there is no point in watching this. If you did like DxD, or just want to watch a show with battles and big ol' tiddies,sit back and enjoy.
I concur, DxD is more silly than Shinmai Maou, but either way neither one counts as Hentai. You want Hentai, I recommend Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo, with legit sex scene and baby making stuff, DxD, Shinmai, along with a hell lot of other "ecchi" anime are just classified under "ecchi" and nowhere near "hentai". If you call "ecchi" as "hentai" then you are prob just immature and haven't watched enough "hentai" to matter, no offense, just pointing out the fact.
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