They are from those Original FanSubbers whose shared their works: also not all people like bloating files so I keep it minimum.
- Commie format of [1080p]
- HorribleSubs format of [480p]
- SubsPlease format of [480p]
This Torrent Qualifies as a GREEN & BATCH ENTRY
- Re-upload of original release from FanSubbers using their original file names.
- Upload as Unofficial Batch files and untouched .SRT/.ASS from the Original FanSubbers.
- Torrents are uploaded by Green users / Trusted users (search their Group Names).
- By compiling all of these I’ve collected from other sources/users and sharing it in just one click.
- Though I’m not a Green User, I am definitely NOT a shitposting or troller!
Comments - 7
HS and subsplease are not fansubbers though.
And also, why would you compile these sorts of files at this point !?
hmm… movies should also be here. My Haikyuu!! collection on my hard drive is 211 GB + music.
RinaChan (uploader)
I know ur point but why your sounds mad at this point? If you just make a comment for pointing HS and Subsplease is not a subbers then Thank You very much for clearing :) appreciated!
If you got a collection already then its cool ;3 tho for me I dont hoard that big lol :)
should have used OWO’s vid
RinaChan (uploader)
oh sorry I’ve only known few fansubbers and users whose sharing their files but I will try that hope on my next batch :3
1080p OVAs, 480p entire series.
i uploaded Subtitles for OVAs 1 and 2, since the file was missing subs for those two OVAs
use -950ms Delay, for OVA 1
& +1050ms Delay, for OVA 2