Lupin III - Movies & Specials Collection (1969-2019) BD.1080p.Multi-Audio-Subs.Jap.Ita.Eng [Rady]

2020-12-24 23:48
No information.
File size:
100.8 GiB
Info hash:

Source: Bluray / RAW
Video x264/x265 almost all of them are in x265.
Audio: Japanese audio almost all are in FLAC while Ita / Eng Ac3.

I have included all 11 movies and 27 specials + 1 tv special,Some of them are only Jap and Ita audio but with English and Italian subs.
It took me longer than I thought to get the best quality with the smallest size.
Unfortunately the Ova were not in my possession so I skipped those and I will not do them in the future.

I hope you appreciate the hard work and to be appreciated with a thank you or even a donation, we have the Animes in our hearts so we can create friendships between us and not just a click on download and go.
A small donation with paypal would be of great help to me to continue the hard work, thank you.

Best wishes and Merry Christmas to everyone and I hope that my gift will make everyone’s happy.

Fonte: Bluray / RAW
I video x264 / x265 quasi tutti sono in x265.
Audio: quasi tutti gli audio giapponesi sono in FLAC mentre Ita / Eng Ac3.

Ho incluso tutti gli 11 film e 27 speciali + 1 speciale televisivo, mi ci è voluto più tempo di quanto pensassi per ottenere la migliore qualità con le dimensioni più piccole.
Purtroppo gli Ova non erano in mio possesso quindi li ho saltati e non li farò in futuro.

Spero che apprezziate il duro lavoro e che siate apprezzati con un ringraziamento o anche una donazione.
Noi che ci piacciono le Anime possiamo anche creare amicizie tra di noi e non solo un clic su download e via.
Una piccola donazione con paypal mi sarebbe di grande aiuto per continuare il duro lavoro, grazie.
Ringrazio molto Peppokakko che mi aiutato con i sottotitoli, sperando sempre ci siano altre persone disposte a dare una mano e anche costruire amicizie :)

I migliori auguri e buon Natale a tutti e spero che il mio regalo renda felici tutti.

File list

  • Lupin III - Movies & Specials Collection (1969-2019) BD.1080p.Multi-Audio-Subs.Jap.Ita.Eng [Rady]
    • Lupin III - Film 00 Pilot (1969) x264.Multi-Subs.Ita.Eng [Rady].mkv (201.8 MiB)
    • Lupin III - Film 01 The Secret of Mamo (1978) BD.1080p.x265.Tri-Audio.Ita.Eng.Jap [Rady].mkv (2.4 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Film 02 The Castle of Cagliostro (1979) BD.1080p.x265.Tri-Audio.Ita.Eng.Jap [Rady].mkv (1.9 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Film 03 The Legend of Gold Babylon (1985) BD.1080p.x265.Tri-Audio.Ita.Eng.Jap [Rady].mkv (2.9 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Film 04 Farewell to Nostradamus (1995) BD.1080p.x265.Tri-Audio.Ita.Eng.Jap [Rady].mkv (2.6 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Film 05 Dead or Alive (1996) BD.1080p.x265.Tri-Audio.Ita.Eng.Jap [Rady].mkv (2.1 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Film 06 Lupin vs Detective Conan (2013) BD.1080p.x265.Dual Audio.Ita.Jap [Rady].mkv (3.0 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Film 07 Jigen Daisuke no Bohyou (2014) Part 1 BD.1080p.x264.Dual Audio.Ita.Jap [Rady].mkv (1.1 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Film 07 Jigen Daisuke no Bohyou (2014) Part 2 BD.1080p.x264.Dual Audio.Ita.Jap [Rady].mkv (1.2 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Film 08 The Blood Spray of Goemon Ishikawa (2017) BD.1080p.x264.Tri-Audio.Ita.Eng.Jap [Rady].mkv (2.7 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Film 09 - Fujiko Mine's Lie (2019) BD.1080p.x265.Tri-Audio.Ita.Eng.Jap [Rady].mkv (1.4 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Film 10 -The First (2019) BD.1080p.x265.Tri-Audio.Ita.Eng.Jap [Rady].mkv (4.4 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Special 01 Bye Bye Liberty Crisis (1989) BD.1080p.x265.Tri-Audio.Ita.Eng.Jap [Rady].mkv (3.4 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Special 02 The Hemingway Papers (1990) BD.1080p.x265.Tri-Audio.Ita.Eng.Jap [Rady].mkv (3.9 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Special 03 Steal Napoleon's Dictionary (1991) BD.1080p.x265.Tri-Audio.Ita.Eng.Jap [Rady].mkv (3.1 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Special 04 From Russia with Love (1992) BD.1080p.x265.Tri-Audio.Ita.Eng.Jap [Rady].mkv (3.4 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Special 05 Orders to Assassinate Lupin (1993) BD.1080p.x265.Tri-Audio.Ita.Eng.Jap [Rady].mkv (2.5 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Special 06 Burn, Zantetsuken (1994) BD.1080p.x265.Tri-Audio.Ita.Eng.Jap [Rady].mkv (3.0 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Special 07 The Pursuit of Harimao's Treasure (1995) BD.1080p.x265.Tri-Audio.Ita.Eng.Jap [Rady].mkv (2.9 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Special 08 The Secret of Twilight Gemini (1996) BD.1080p.x265.Tri-Audio.Ita.Eng.Jap [Rady].mkv (2.4 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Special 09 Walther P-38 (1997) BD.1080p.x265.Tri-Audio.Ita.Eng.Jap [Rady].mkv (2.5 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Special 10 Tokyo Crisis (1998) BD.1080p.x265.Tri-Audio.Ita.Eng.Jap [Rady].mkv (3.1 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Special 11 Fujiko's Unlucky Days (1999) BD.1080p.x265.Tri-Audio.Ita.Eng.Jap [Rady].mkv (2.8 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Special 12 $1 Money Wars (2000) BD.1080p.x265.Tri-Audio.Ita.Eng.Jap [Rady].mkv (2.5 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Special 13 - Alcatraz Connection (2001) BD.1080p.x265.Tri-Audio.Ita.Eng.Jap [Rady].mkv (1.9 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Special 14 - Episode 0 First Contact (2002) BD.1080p.x265.Tri-Audio.Ita.Eng.Jap [Rady].mkv (2.0 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Special 15 Operation Return the Treasure (2003) BD.1080p.x265.Dual Audio.Ita.Jap [Rady].mkv (1.8 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Special 16 Stolen Lupin (2004) BD.1080p.x265.Dual Audio.Ita.Jap [Rady].mkv (1.9 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Special 17 An Angels Tactic (2005) BD.1080p.x265.Dual Audio.Ita.Jap [Rady].mkv (2.5 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Special 18 Seven Days Rhapsody (2006) BD.1080p.x265.Dual Audio.Ita.Jap [Rady].mkv (1.5 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Special 19 The Elusiveness of Fog (2007) BD.1080p.x265.Dual Audio.Ita.Jap [Rady].mkv (2.1 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Special 20 Sweet Lost Night (Magic Lamp's Nightmare Premonition) (2008) BD.1080p.x265.Dual Audio.Ita.Jap [Rady].mkv (2.9 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Special 21 The Last Job (2010) BD.1080p.x265.Dual Audio.Ita.Jap [Rady].mkv (2.2 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Special 22 Blood Seal of the Eternal Mermaid (2011) BD.1080p.x265.Tri-Audio.Ita.Eng.Jap [Rady].mkv (3.4 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Special 23 Another Page (2012) BD.1080p.x265.Dual Audio.Ita.Jap [Rady].mkv (2.2 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Special 24 Princess of the Breeze (Hidden City in the Sky) (2013) BD.1080p.x264.Dual Audio.Ita.Jap [Rady].mkv (3.5 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Special 25 Italian Game (2016) BD.1080p.x264.Subs.Ita.Eng [Rady].mkv (3.0 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Special 26 Goodbye Partner (2019) BD.1080p.x265.Dual Audio.Eng.Jap [Rady].mkv (3.5 GiB)
    • Lupin III - Special 27 Prison of the Past (2019) BD.1080p.x265.Subs.Ita.Eng [Rady].mkv (2.8 GiB)
    • Lupin III - TV-Special Lupin III vs Detective Conan (2009) BD.1080p.x264.Dual Audio.Ita.Jap [Rady].mkv (2.5 GiB)

Nice collection of lupin films ?

So does it all have English DUB?

Is it just me or the Japanese audio is broken on Lupin III - The First?

radydragoon (uploader)


@glm8892 & AndyAlex91 Thanks :)
@floppyduck you welcome.
@AnimeLover69420 Read up there.
@Fuken_Weeb for me works Fine.

Found the issue. In VLC under the audio settings I had to set the “Stereo mode” settings from “Original” to “Headphones”.
Otherwise it just plays the background music and skips the noise line and voice line both for the English and Japanese audio.
It’s the same with other media players, but those which doesn’t allow for similar settings, it can’t be fixed in-player.

I looked up my sound card settings, it was set to 5.1 instead of stereo/headphones. This fixed it globally.

guys I just started downloading it…please continue seeding for some time

Hey, Radydragoon, wow, wow,wow! Many thanks for this delicious Lupin colection with Italian dub and subs, you really saved my day! Adoro i classici voci italiani di Lupin e Jigen, la musica per gli orecchi, e da tanto tempo cercavo i vecchi film e Specials in HD per la mia collezione. Il tuo lavoro è un gioiello, God bless you!

radydragoon (uploader)


@haerdalis sono contento che sono riuscito a farti felice anche a te :)

@Radydragoon, il piacere è il mio. Sei un grande!