[PS3] Hatsune Miku Project DIVA F 2nd - Song Pack DLCs (EUR+USA)

2020-10-15 20:51
No information.
File size:
2.1 GiB
Info hash:

It’s been many years since I’ve got this DLCs, and sadly, I don’t even remember to whom I should give credits for this pack…
Well, if you guys are reading this - know that you’re awesome and I still love you!

Okay, this one needs some explanation.

Upload includes DLCs for both EUR and USA version of the game. DLCs for EUR version are complete, includes every released dlc. However, USA dlcs isn’t complete - all dlc songs are present, but some other stuff is not.


If you are using EUR version of the game:

  • Extract Hatsune.Miku.Project.DIVA.F.2nd.PSN.PS3.NPEB02013.v1.00.And.DLCs.ALL.ENG.v3.FiNAL.part1.rar archive (both parts actually, should be done automatically)
  • Install EP0177-NPEB02013_00-PJDF2ALLDLCS99EN.FiXED.4.All.CFWs.[5083FD4E].pkg and that’s it, you should be good to go. Doesn’t matter if you are on real ps3 or rpcs3.

If you are using USA version of the game - that’s a bit tricky:

  • Install Hatsune Miku - Project DIVA F 2nd - DLC PACK v2 [NPUB31488] FIX v2.pkg
    – FOR REAL PS3 - Install Hatsune Miku - Project DIVA F 2nd - Songs Pack [NPEB02013] FIXED.pkg, using file manager or FTP go to \dev_hdd0\game\NPEB02013 and move contents to \dev_hdd0\game\NPUB31488. You can also extract song pack pkg using for example PkgView or other ps3 pkg extractor and send contents directly via ftp. Also, there’s no reason for you to try and install full eur song pack since there are no licence files for usa version.
    – FOR RPCS3 - extract and install EP0177-NPEB02013_00-PJDF2ALLDLCS99EN.FiXED.4.All.CFWs.[5083FD4E].pkg, then move contents from \dev_hdd0\game\NPEB02013 to \dev_hdd0\game\NPUB31488. Since this is an emulator - you don’t need a proper license files coz emu doesn’t check them – so you can use full dlc pack.

There is also a 60 fps patch available for RPCS3 https://wiki.rpcs3.net/index.php?title=Hatsune_Miku:_Project_Diva_F_2nd#Patches

File list

  • Hatsune Miku Project DIVA F 2nd Songs Pack [NPEB02013] FIXED
    • Hatsune Miku - Project DIVA F 2nd - DLC PACK v2 [NPEB02013] FIX v2.pkg (11.9 MiB)
    • Hatsune Miku - Project DIVA F 2nd - DLC PACK v2 [NPUB31488] FIX v2.pkg (11.9 MiB)
    • Hatsune Miku - Project DIVA F 2nd - Songs Pack [NPEB02013] FIXED.pkg (894.1 MiB)
    • Hatsune.Miku.Project.DIVA.F.2nd.PSN.PS3.NPEB02013.v1.00.And.DLCs.ALL.ENG.v3.FiNAL.part1.rar (610.4 MiB)
    • Hatsune.Miku.Project.DIVA.F.2nd.PSN.PS3.NPEB02013.v1.00.And.DLCs.ALL.ENG.v3.FiNAL.part2.rar (590.7 MiB)

im using EUR and should i install the song pack npeb02013 fixed? or “EP0177-NPEB02013_00-PJDF2ALLDLCS99EN.FiXED.4.All.CFWs.[5083FD4E].pkg” is enough?
im using real ps3

whats inside songs pack fixed btw? im trying to view it using PkgView but it seems it failed to view that pkg