[DmonHiro] Digimon Adventure - Last Evolution - Kizuna (BD, 720p)

2020-09-04 07:28
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Download v2 of subtitle here

Taichi and the other chosen children spend their everyday lives balancing regular life with stopping wild digimon that come though random digital gates from destroying everything in their path. But once people start falling into comas they realize that something very bad is happening. And they are right. But it’s not what they expected. Sometimes growing up means having to leave things behind. Things you cherished as a child.

Holy fucking shit! This is it. This is what I wanted. A fantastic Digimon Adventure movie. I absolutely loved it. It had everything I could have asked for. The plot was engaging. The characters acted like they should have. The battles were meaningful. The message was powerful. TOEI can actually pull it off. What a sendoff. What a finale!

Now that we got that out of the way… This was a great movie, on all accounts. Sure, it’s only 90 minutes long, but what a ride. From start to finish it played with my heart. Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t exactly a happy movie. But even so, they managed to insert some great humor. Bad place to put that stuff, Taichi. The directing this time was on spot. The reveal of Neverland gave me chills, as did the titular last evolution. I can’t believe I’m praising this so much after the disaster that TRI was. BTW, it’s still canon. This takes place after the supposed resolution of the TRI story line. Doubt they’ll ever make that though. All in all, I enjoyed this far more they I thought I would.

About the subtitles, I used @bgette0&ok&sekkusu&ISSOUj&Eosmon as a base, and made the following changes:

  • added missing lines. There were a lot of missing lines. I mean like… a lot. Small, short… but some very important. Including the actual final line in the show.
  • corrected badly translated lines. There were a lot of lines that were straight up wrong. Some changed the entire meaning of the conversation.
  • corrected poorly translated line. Some lines read like they were made of an English dub, filled with slang that characters wouldn’t use.
  • corrected the names and terminology. Used the original Japanese names and terminology. None of that DigiDestined crap. They are chosen children.
  • split lines. There were a lot of lines that were not split correctly. Like when two character were talking at once.
  • fixed timing. Many lines had terrible timing. This was a pain for me because I hate timing.
  • fixed OCR errors. There were a few of these as well.

Rating: 9/10


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DmonHiro (uploader)


BTW… TOEI making a Digimon movie about letting things go… and then rebooting Digimon is hilarious.

Long time not watching digimon ?

DmonHiro (uploader)


I also “loved” how they ignored Sora this movie just so they could make you feel like an asshole for thinking “Why the hell isn’t Sora helping in the fight?”.

@DmonHiro Any clue on what subject did Taichi chose for his thesis in the end? We can see the paper on the last few frames in the credits scene and I’ve been wondering for months what it actually says.

Also, when we see his thesis draft for the first time (11:34 min) I thought that was something about economics in the title but you put Police Department. Do you know if that’s the title for sure? (sorry for my English)

DmonHiro (uploader)


I can’t really read that thing. My guess, something about diplomacy.

Yeah, must be something that fits with Zero Two epilogue for sure.

Thanks for the reply!

Taichi’s thesis is “Coexistence with Digimon”. This is very sad…

Thank you @nikto.

I’ve found this on Twitter (https://twitter.com/Wikimon_news/status/1281871297962811393). Seems legit:

Graduation thesis summary

Name of school: Soumei University
Department: Political Science and Economics
Student no.: 13071028
Name: Yagami Taichi
Title of thesis: The Coexistence Between Humans and Digimon

Recently, incidents involving Digimon have increased worldwide.

Although those who view Digimon themselves as being problematic has risen, they have never been an enemy to mankind. They get close to people, and also serve as bridges that connect people.

I also had a Partner. The days I spent with Agumon, who you could say is my other self, made me grow into who I am today, and have strengthened my friendships. Coexisting with them enriches our livelihoods and lives.

I want to make suggestions for the upcoming future by looking back on my experiences and clarifying the truth.

DmonHiro (uploader)


Thanks, Chelentano. I’ll add it to the subtitles. You can download it from the top.

DmonHiro (uploader)


Download v2 of subtitle here

See? No fuss. No need to upload a new torrent. No need to download it again. External subtitles are very convenient.

DmonHiro :

And then you go back to the first scene with Piyomon, you realise she probably knew.

But why she didn’t told anyone about this …

For me honestly it’s the best timing. If the reboot wasn’t on, i’d be in a depression right now. I finally decided what I would be doing after university, so i’m exactly at the same point as the character by the end of the movie, and I don’t see it as a good end. Means the ends of childhood, but also of adventure, evolution, random wandering, etc. I’m sad :(
But the reboot is there, and i get to wait for Takeru to finaly show up in there haha

i need to watch TRI to watch this ?

DmonHiro (uploader)



And don’t. The only thing this has to do with TRI is that there is ONE FRAME of a character from TRI. They just say her name. It doesn’t matter.

Tri was the best thing on earth so go for it :P

Now that you have both opinion, follow your heart. But you sure don’t need to saw these one to watch last evolution. You could watch Tri after ;)

DmonHiro (uploader)


Nope, don’t watch Tri. Read my review.
Angry Review of Tri

any idea what the words saying in last panel? looks like a signed letter

Oh whoops didn’t scroll up abit

Why did you use the English spelling for XV-mon?

Would’ve been funny if the English-speaking lady called him ExVeemon while the Japanese characters say XV-mon lol

DmonHiro (uploader)


Because form my understanding, all digimon end with mon, not -mon. I never liked XV-mon. Also, in Japanese it’s actually EKUSUBUImon.

Thanks to DmonHiro uploading the subs as a separate file, we can tweak the subs to our personal preferences, than trying to extract the subs before editing, then compiling it again. In the classics, I got used to XV-mon so I’ll tweak it.

Thank you so much for 720p!!! My laptop has trouble with 1080p, which is like all other releases of this movie.

I was almost done making my post and I closed the tab by accident losing everything I said so I’m doing this quick now.

Before 17 min mark, you use Do instead of So.
During 17 min mark, the message says DigiDestined, but I assume that Toei translated the message.
Before 50 min mark, you use Kamiya Hikari instead of Yagami Hikari.

Used Morphmon multiple times while also using Morphomon correctly.
You’ve already been told about V-mon, XV-mon, and X-Laser.
You misspell Bellucci late in the film.
Not sure if intentional or not (because her ass is focused on a few times), but you say Menoass instead of Menoa’s in the final act.

Only saying this because others used your subs in their uploads and didn’t edit these mistakes. lol

Thanks for subbing.

Can you re-upload the v2 subs please? The link is dead